• Brandie Tarvin (11/25/2015)

    So I did a "small" thing (that took more time than effort) for an internal customer this morning.

    About 5 minutes ago received an email with "THANK YOU" in 40 pt font bold.

    Apparently it was a larger thing than I realized, but regardless, it's nice to have someone notice the effort for a good thing instead of getting slammed because of system problems.

    Something I've always tried to remember when working on problems for people...

    What we may see as a "small" or "easy" thing, to them it may be a nearly insurmountable problem.

    Going back to my previous job, I couldn't tell you how many times the customer on the other end of the phone would make a comment like "you must think I'm so dumb for not being able to figure this out," to which my reply was always "no, you just don't do this every day like I do. What you do on a daily basis, I couldn't even begin to do."

    That being said, yeah, it's always nice to get a thank you from someone you've helped.