Home Forums SQL Server 2012 SQL 2012 - General Migrating SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services to another server RE: Migrating SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services to another server

  • Yes.

    Install SSAS on the new server (use the same version and fix level as the old SSAS), set the AS security to match the old server, set the AS options to match the old AS server options (except for the directories as they may be different depending upon how you installed and IF the disk drives/paths are the same), back up the SSAS DB's and restore them on the new server.

    note: If you have issues accessing the AS security/options on the new server R-Click SSMS and Run as Administrator then connect to AS.

    We then re-IP/re-name the old server then re-IP/re-name the new server to match the old server so that the end users have no changes to make.

    Hope this helps!

    edited: Sorry all you need to do is backup the AS DB's and restore them on the new AS clustered instance.