Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Trying to pass a value to a variable from dynamic sql RE: Trying to pass a value to a variable from dynamic sql

  • Quick questions:

    1. Why are you using Dynamic SQL when a normal query would be enough?

    2. Why aren't you parametrizing your Dynamic SQL leaving it open to SQL Injection?

    3. Why are you using IN for a single value?

    Static SQL example:

    SELECT @MinBoundary = Convert(DateTime, MIN(PRV.value))

    FROM sys.partition_functions AS PF

    JOIN sys.partition_parameters AS PP

    ON PF.function_id = PP.function_id

    JOIN sys.types AS T1

    ON T1.system_type_id = PP.system_type_id

    JOIN sys.types AS T2

    ON T2.user_type_id= PP.user_type_id

    JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS PRV

    ON PP.function_id = PRV.function_id

    AND PP.parameter_id = PRV.parameter_id

    WHERE PF.name = 'WBC_' + @TableName + '_pf'

    PRINT @MinBoundary

    Dynamic SQL example parametrized query:

    DECLARE @MinBoundary DateTime, @s-2 nvarchar(max)

    declare @DBName sysname, @TableName sysname

    select @DBName = 'MyDB', @TableName = 'MyTable'

    select @s-2 = '

    SELECT @MB=Convert(DateTime, MIN(PRV.value))

    FROM sys.partition_functions AS PF

    JOIN sys.partition_parameters AS PP

    ON PF.function_id = PP.function_id

    JOIN sys.types AS T1

    ON T1.system_type_id = PP.system_type_id

    JOIN sys.types AS T2

    ON T2.user_type_id= PP.user_type_id

    JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS PRV

    ON PP.function_id = PRV.function_id

    AND PP.parameter_id = PRV.parameter_id

    WHERE PF.name IN (''WBC_'' + @TN + ''_pf'')'

    print @s-2

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @s-2, N'@MB DateTime OUTPUT, @TN sysname', @MB=@MinBoundary OUTPUT, @TN=@TableName

    PRINT @MinBoundary

    Luis C.
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