• GilaMonster (3/30/2015)

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (3/27/2015)

    Late to the gender bias thing as I've been skiing all week. Not to open wounds, but I liked this: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/blogs/databases-infrastructure-security/2015/03/18/women-in-technology/

    I think I'm going to steal this phrase:

    I’ve never seen Paris, but that doesn’t mean Paris doesn’t exist.

    Yes, that last comment is a good one. And the second comment (to which it was a response, I guess) was appalling, as were also the fourth and fifth comments. I guess the article itself is saying that the author has always been somewhere where women are accepted as as good as men and he doesn't understand why some men don't recognise that - he's pretty clearly saying that he's not claiming there's not a problem. it would be nice if all the world could be like that.

    But, Paris? Me, I've never seen Paris and I would be utterly astounded if he (or either of his fathers-in-law) existed.

    Perhaps Paris wasn't the best choice of city or sight for that saying.
