• Luis Cazares (10/21/2014)

    Eirikur Eiriksson (10/21/2014)

    Ed Wagner (10/21/2014)

    Luis Cazares (10/21/2014)

    Eirikur Eiriksson (10/21/2014)

    Ed Wagner (10/21/2014)

    Eirikur Eiriksson (10/21/2014)

    Luis Cazares (10/21/2014)

    Eirikur Eiriksson (10/21/2014)

    spaghettidba (10/21/2014)

    Ed Wagner (10/21/2014)

    Parma, Venice...these cities are making me think of authentic Italian food. I cook and am a HUGE fan of real Italian, so now I'm hungry. I envy where you live.

    I'm having Spätzle for dinner tonight :hehe:

    Spätzle e olio di olive e pepe nere?


    Stop talking about food. I'm hungry.

    Ok but it's just perfect with a dash of chipotle:w00t:


    Definitely not traditional - Spätzle with olive oil and chipotle. However, I have little doubt it would be good, especially if you add the chipotle into the pasta dough when you make it. Then again, a lot of things taste better with a bit of heat. Chipotle has the added benefit of smokey goodness. 😀

    Make mine a tricolore, Chipotle, Jalapeño and Adjoema


    If you're willing to change the Adjoema with Habanero, I'll be glad to invite you to dinner. 😉

    Now you're talking - there's some heat. 😀 The last Habanero sauce I had (purchased, not made) was too sweet, but I know it was to compliment the natural fruitiness of the pepper. I know it's not for everyone, but if it has good flavor to go along with the heat, I'm in.

    No sugar or ready made, just fresh salsa, chop the habanero, onions, maybe a ripe tomato and some herbs, has to be fresh!


    You forgot the garlic. If you toast everything before mixing it, it gains great flavour.

    Ouch, good thing I wasn't cooking, without garlic it's a dud for sure, never too much garlic
