• I've been in the middle of it all at some point. I've had projects that drained the life out of me and the projects that excited me more with every day that I worked on them. My earlier development efforts brought me to the point in life where I can now choose the how and what I like to work on. Having never had those experiences (good and bad), I would not be the developer/DBA I am today and I may be "stuck" in a job/company I hate.

    I am also not willing to sacrifice my financial outlook to work on more altruistic programs. I like many have worked hard to get where I am and I wish to maintain that lifestyle However, my degree of success has given me the flexibility to contribute and give back to my local community. I feel so long as I can continue to provide well for my family and make a difference to the people around me, I am a success.

    There are good projects and bad projects. The key is to take something away from the project once it's done.