Linked server issue

  • We've had an issue for several days now that I'm hoping you can weigh in on. We're testing a linked server between two SQL Servers. The first server, we'll call it server A for this discussion, is SQL2000. On server A we've defined a linked server to server B, which is SQL2008. The linked server's security is defined as "be made using the login's current security context". Both servers are on the same domain. We log onto server A with a Windows authenticated logon which is defined on the same domain as the SQL Servers. This logon is also defined on server B. When we attempt to execute a query that selects from a table on server B we get this error message:

    "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON"

    If we log onto server A with a SQL authenticated logon that is on both servers we do not get the error.

  • have you checked the firewall?

  • Check your spn's, i.e.

    setspn -L domain\serviceaccount

    (if SQL Server's running under a domain account)

    setspn -L computername

    (if SQL Server's running under a local system account)

    I presume there's something wrong with them, so you going to have to delete the incorrect/duplicate SPN's and reregister them

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