oracle 9i to Sql server 2008 R2 migration

  • Hi,

    We are having oracle 9i as database and migrating to sql server 2008.

    Our oracle 9i database connects to another oracle databases and these databases are having different oracle version(,,,,,, )

    I do have two queries :

    1) how to connect from Sql server 2008 R2 to different Oracle databases

    2) How will other oracle databases connect to Sql server 2008 R2 database

  • I can hopefully answer the first one. As long as you have the proper data provider installed on the server, you should be able to connect to any Oracle database you want (or DB2 or MySQL, etc.). You would install the provider, and then set up a Linked Server utilizing that driver to see data from an Oracle database.

    The second question I cannot answer, I am not that familiar with Oracle and connections that it can make.

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