msdb.dbo.backupset table on standby server

  • I am new to SQL server.. we are generating backup report on primary server using msdb.dbo.backupset table.
    But in backupset table, entries are missing for few days which are present on standby server's backupset table.
    What I learnt from sql server tutorial is, backup cannot be done on standby server..If so, why backup entries are present on standby sever backupset table..
    Could anyone please help my query?

  • When you say it's a standby server, what do you mean in this case? is it a log-shipping secondary, a mirroring failover partner or something else maybe? That will help us to figure out how that has happened.

  • It's mirroring failover server

    Beatrix Kiddo - Thursday, February 7, 2019 5:00 AM

    When you say it's a standby server, what do you mean in this case? is it a log-shipping secondary, a mirroring failover partner or something else maybe? That will help us to figure out how that has happened.

  • Thanks. My guess is that the database must have failed over to that server for the period covering those backups.

  • Ok thank you.. In that case,how can we get those backup information on primary server itself?
    Is there any other way apart from querying backupset table on secondary server??

  • What's the problem you're trying to solve here? The reason I ask is that it can be a bad idea to start moving this kind of data around if you're not 100% sure what you're doing.

  • Hi Beatrix,
    We want those records for generating monthly backup report....client is not satisfied to run the backup report on both servers...That's why we are looking for some way to consolidate the output from both servers..

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