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The Importance of Testing

Today we have a guest editorial from Grant Fritchey as Steve is away on his sabbatical.

It’s almost impossible to overstate just how important testing is to those of us in IT. Yet, it’s so frequently overlooked, ignored, played down, and just flat out dismissed, that I have a hard time understanding it. Very recently, NASA (you know, rocket scientists) reported that if they had not caught a bug in the software of the new manned vehicle, Starliner, it could have cost the lives of the crew (or at least the loss of the capsule in a test).

I’m a huge advocate for adopting DevOps practices. Getting teams to communicate and tear down unnecessary barriers that are slowing down development and deployment are so important for modern systems in order to move at the speed of business. Oh, yeah, and building in automated testing at multiple stages in the process in order to ensure that you’re not just introducing bad code to production faster. I advocate for a thorough DevOps process because, in my experience, and supported by our recent 2020 State of DevOps Survey, DevOps adds protection to your production environments. It doesn’t speed things up by taking away protection. It speeds things up by ensuring that your code is good before you get to production. DevOps and testing are joined at the hip.

But hey, let’s not talk DevOps. Let’s just talk technology. How do you know if the new index you’re proposing will speed up your queries? Don’t tell me execution plan, because that is not a measure of performance. Are you, maybe, going to do a little testing? See how many reads you had before and after the addition of the index? How fast the query was before and after? Yes.

What about introducing a new technology? We’re moving to SQL Server 2016 (I’d advocate for at least 2017, but that’s another discussion), but we must keep our databases in 2012 compatibility mode because of reasons. Just go with me on this. Can we still use clustered columnstore indexes and update the data in them? I honestly don’t know the answer, but you know what’s going to tell me? Testing.

Most of us are not going to kill people because we introduced a bug into production. However, we could cost the company millions. How are we going to move ahead as technologists in an ever changing, fast moving infrastructure that consists of change? Testing.


Grant Fritchey

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

Redgate SQL Change Automation
 Featured Contents

Handling Aggregations on a Poorly Designed Database

aveek22 from SQLServerCentral

When the database design is not great, you may have to write some creative queries to get what you need.

Using SQL Server RAND Function Deep Dive

Additional Articles from

Dr. Dallas Snider, a MSSQLTips author, mentioned that SQL Server RAND() function could generate random values uniformly distributed from 0 through 1, exclusive. He generated random numbers from the normal distribution with a specific mean and standard deviation.

The Dangers of using Float or Real Datatypes

Additional Articles from Redgate

Floating point datatypes accommodate very big numbers but sacrifice precision. They are handy for some types of scientific calculations, but are dangerous when used more widely, because they can introduce big rounding errors.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - T-SQL Tuesday 123: Life Hacks to make your day easier

Diligentdba 46159 from Mala's Data Blog

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Jess Pomfret. Jess’s theme is ‘Life Hacks to make your day easier’. She talks of some things we do to make life...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Starting and Stopping SQL Server with PowerShell

Steve Hughes from DataOnWheels

Have you ever had this issue? You are trying to explore new features of SQL Server or you want to install the latest version for some testing, but SQL...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Kendra Little):


DBCC Meaning

What does "DBCC", as in (DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS) stand for? (Pick the answer defined in the current Microsoft documentation on DBCC) 

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Kathi Kellenberger)

The "Median" Function

There are many aggregate functions available in SQL Server. Which function can be used to calculate a median?


Explanation: According to Microsoft, the PERCENTILE_CONT function "Calculates a percentile based on a continuous distribution of the column value in SQL Server. The result is interpolated and might not be equal to any of the specific values in the column." This function can be used to calculate a median when the numeric literal parameter is 0.5. Here's an example from AdventureWorks which returns a list of years and the median TotalDue:

    OVER(PARTITION BY YEAR(OrderDate)) AS MedianOrder
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader;

(Note: DISTINCT is used because this function will return the answer for every row in the results.) List of years and median order PERCENTILE_DISC is similar, but it will return an actual value from the data and not interpolate the result. It does return the median when applied to an odd number of rows. There is no MEDIAN function in T-SQL, but it is possible to create a custom CLR function. The AVG function returns the average, which is not the median.

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




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