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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Focus on a eating a “rainbow” of vegetables today

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Swimming Servers

Microsoft put a data center on the bottom of the ocean, and it appeared to be a successful experiment, but now they've brought the water to the servers. Rather than sink a data center, which means cumbersome maintenance if there are issues, Microsoft is just sinking server boards.

Their latest experiment takes liquid cooling in a new direction. In a vat of fluid, they have dozens of servers submerged. The liquid has a low boiling point and turns into a gas when contacting a CPU. The gas circulates like a miniature water cycle, condensing back into liquid when hitting a cool lid.

I've always assumed all liquid would be bad on an electrical server board, but I guess this isn't the case. I've heard of liquid cooling for home PCs, and my son actually added a system to his game machine, but I've always been nervous about doing so. I think my limited, and often error prone, experience with home plumbing repairs has be scared.

I've rarely enjoyed being in a data center, especially the more modern designs that have a hot aisle and a cool aisle. Moving from one to the other is quite an experience, and one that I can't think it good for your health over time. The older "cool" rooms I've been in weren't much better, where I wore a winter coat all day when outside temperatures were 90F/30C and higher.

I don't know that this will impact me, or if I'll ever actually see another server machine in my career, but I do know we continue to demand more computing capacity and capability. Perhaps at some point a data center for Azure or AWS will look more a like a warehouse for freezers and anything else. At least the people servicing the systems will likely have a better work environment when the entire space doesn't need to be cooled down.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

Reducing the Frequency of SQL Server Central Newsletters

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from SQLServerCentral

We are reducing the sending of the SQL Server Central newsletter to three days a week.

Stairway to SQL Server Security

Stairway to SQL Server Security Level 7: Security Across Databases with Cross-Database Ownership Chaining

Don Kiely from

Sometimes you need to reach outside a database and access data and objects from multiple databases, which raises some security issues and increases the complexity of data access. In this stairway level, you’ll learn about cross-database ownership chaining so that you can reach across database boundaries securely.

Detecting Database Drift during Flyway Database Development

Additional Articles from Redgate

How to detect database drift prior to running a database migration, so that you can be certain that a database hasn't been subject to any 'uncontrolled' changes that could affect the migration or result in untested changes being deployed to production.

Five Facts about the SQL Server Resource Database

Additional Articles from

In this article we cover interesting facts about the hidden resource database in SQL Server and how this is used by SQL Server.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - .NET PowerShell Notebooks – Using Pester

mrrobsewell from SQL DBA With A Beard

My last post had a lot of information about the new .NET PowerShell notebooks including installation instructions. .NET Notebooks are Jupyter Notebooks that use .NET core to enable C#,...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - My Deadlock Resolution Progress Report

Pam Mooney from The Non-Cluttered Index

As I wrote last month, I went through a period of feeling personally and professionally deadlocked, and flailed about for some time before I found the answer of making...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by BTylerWhite):


Python - Pandas and HTML

I'm looking to render results from a Pandas DataFrame in Python to convert the output to an HTML format. I have the following code so far (working with a Snowflake database) shortened for brevity:
from snowflake import connector
import pandas as pd
import os

cnx = connector.connect(

cur = cnx.cursor()
rows = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall(), columns=['Last Name', 'First Name'])
Which of the following lines would work to render the query results to HTML?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Evgeny Garaev)

Types of indexes available in SQL Server 2019

How types of indexes available in SQL Server 2019?

Answer: 12 - Hash, memory-optimized Nonclustered, Clustered, Nonclustered, Unique, Columnstore, Index with included columns, Index on computed columns, Filtered, Spatial, XML, and Full-text

Explanation: 12 types of indexes exist accordingly to the Microsoft documentation Ref: Index -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2016 - Administration
The most illustrative case for using EXTENDED EVENTS? - What would be a couple of things that I can do with Extended Events that I cannot do via Profiler Traces, DMVs, and/or QueryStore?  (Leaving aside the  lower XE's overhead/performance issues compared to svr side traces...). ANDOR a rephrased question: what kind of analysis/things to troubleshoot can I do with XE that I cannot do […]
Install SQL Server SP2 - Hello. On a Windows Server there are installed two SQL Server 2016 SP1 named instances. Can i install SP2 on one of them without to affect the other? Thank you.
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Category Entry and Exit Dates per ID - Hello, I have the following table, where ID is the unique identifier. An can move from category to category, both up and down. My table records each day an ID stays in a given category. I am trying to identify the start date and the end date of an ID in a given category. The […]
Encryption String and SQL Server Jobs - Hello~ I am a developer of a DB Application (Azure SQL Server Back End/MS Access Front End), where we have recently encrypted several fields. We have a scheduled SQL Server Job, which has started hanging -- this job simply executes a VBS Script from the command line using 'cscript'.  This VBS Script connects to the […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
stop responding to queries of specific database - Hello I found a problem on my SQL Server instant, after 5-6 days the servers stop responding to queries of specific database and it won’t get fixe until I restart the service!   I checked the event logs, it says: " SQL Server was unable to run a new system task, either because there is […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Script to DROP and RE-CREATE all Primary and Foreign Key Constraints on all Tabl - Hi Does anyone know of a good way to Drop and Recreate all Primary and Foreign Key Constraints for all tables in a database please? Ive looked at various solutions but they dont seem to capture and recreate all the PK and FK constraints for all tables
Using CASE Statement with $Action in Output Clause in Merge - Hi there I want to write one combined Output statement at the end of a Merge statement to insert data into an action table, based on the action So I want to do something like Select $action case when $action = 'Update' then Output $Action, Deleted.* into #DeviceDataDelta case when $action = 'Insert' then Output […]
Sum of Rows - Hi Guys, How do i group the below code so it gives e a total duration for each person for each day. So for 07/08/2018 Dave Jones should show:     -- Sample data IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#lab') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #lab SELECT * INTO #lab FROM (VALUES ( '07/09/2018','Dave', 'Jones', '07/09/2018 09:56', 2301 ), […]
Simple SQL query - MOTEL (motelID, motelName, town) ROOM (roomID, motelNo, type, cost) BOOKING (motelNo, guestID, dateFrom, dateTo, roomID) GUEST (guestID, guestName, guestAddress)   For the above SQL database relation, I have two questions that I'm trying to answer: Select all guestIDs that have the person's first name as 'John', and have a booking with an undefined dateTo. No explicit or implicit […]
Problem with conversion from char to datetime - Hello everybody. I am trying to insert  some data in table  Production.WorkOrder. There are some data which type is datetime. I am trying to insert that type of data with CONVERT keyword. But when I run my query I get this.  What I need to do to solve this problem?    
Deadlocks during concurrent delete operation - In our environment we have written all our business logics inside a stored procedures. In general, in any bigger transactions where it has integrations with multiple modules we used to populate the required data in a table (its kind of temporary table) with guid column as clustered index and this table would be used subsequently […]
Strategies and Ideas
Looking for suggestions on improving our "data warehouse" approach - I've come to find myself inheriting a loose "data warehouse" approach of sorts.  I'm quite new to data warehousing concepts, ETL, etc, but I have a feeling some of the things we're doing are less than optimal, so I'd appreciate any feedback on what we should be doing differently.  We're a low-to-mid size company that […]
Integration Services
The table name could not be retrieved from the script provided - I am having trouble moving data with ssis fromSQL Sever to Maria DB. When i run the following script, the table gets created in Maria DB. But no access to upload the data. Here is the error: "TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio ------------------------------ The table name could not be retrieved from the script provided. Select a […]
SQL Server is changing the date format - Hi All, I am using VS 2017 to import data from excel to a SQL table, very basic no problems with loading the rows. The issue is I need the date format to be UK dd/mm/yyyy and SQL server keeps changing the formatting to US once it hits the table. The windows clock on the […]
TSQL To Maria DB - I am trying to load dat from TSQL Into Mysql/Maria DB. I get an aoutamic warning when trying to create the destination table about manually edit data types for destination table. I looked at the TSQL n Maria DB data types. I changed it from CREATE TABLE "ADO NET Destination" ( "uid" BIGINT, "order_uid" BIGINT, […]


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