confusion on usage of composite key in a table

  • "An shop receipt contain several items sold by a customer. Each items sold are listed with price"

    I have an scenario as above. I got plenty of comments about the tables and its relationship:


    receipt (receiptID, receipt_sumtotal, payby, payon)

    receiptitem (receiptID (FK), receiptitemID, itemprice, itemquantity, totalprice)


    receipt (receiptID, receipt_sumtotal, payby, payon)

    receiptitem (receiptitemID, receiptID (FK), itemprice, itemquantity, totalprice)

    I believe the first and the 2nd solution are acceptable, but it made me confuse when the composite key to be used appropriately. It would be glad if someone could explain me about it.


  • Generally you'd use a composite key if there is no single column that uniquely identifies the row.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Moved to a better forum.

    A PK is used to uniquely identify a row. If you need 2 (or more) fields to do this, you have a composite or compound key. These would move through to the FK in child tables.

  • thank for the great replies from u guys. It makes senses now and clear up my frustrating mind on the question 🙂


  • Nice question 🙂

    Usually I do myself and I get Gail answer: better the composite key solution. A reason I've is that probably a large number of queries will be to get the receipts items for an asked receipt. So you'll use the clustered index rather than a non-clustered one so you'll have a better performance.

    But where I'm working we work usually on the way, so there's no planning at all and can be changes in analysis and I've found that the 2on choice (just the receiptItemID as PK) is more versatile on changes. So, sometimes I use it.

    But I also have a pair of questions:

    When you've this relation in chain (I mean the ReceiptItem has another 1..N relation and this one another 1..N). Then the primary key can have many columns and I'm not sure the performance you could get and the queries (when you make JOINs) are larger to type and more difficult to read. What would you do in this cases?

    In the 2on case (the composite key) the receiptitemID is an IDENTITY and you don't care about it or it's a sequencial number that starts by 1 for every receipt?

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