Removing a File Group

  • I am trying to remove a file group in SQL Server 2000. The issue is that there are some tables that have their image columns (Blob) stored in this file group while the rest of the table is stored in the PRIMARY group. I have successfully moved the majority of the blob data back into the PRIMARY but there is 25MB left in the BLOB file group that I can't account for. I am basicaly try to see what the Blob file group has in it. Any ideas?

    Warm Regards,

    Arthur Lorenzini
    Sioux Falls, SD

  • Let me phrase that, there is 0.25MB in the Blob File group which is preventing me from deleting it.

    Warm Regards,

    Arthur Lorenzini
    Sioux Falls, SD

  • Try to find out the object occupying space there by querying sysindexes table:

    select * from sysindexes

    where groupid='Blob object filegroup ID(from sysfilegroups)'


  • Arthur.Lorenzini (11/11/2008)

    Let me phrase that, there is 0.25MB in the Blob File group which is preventing me from deleting it.

    Have you tried deleting the data file(s) from the filegroup? If there is actual data still there SQL will not allow you to drop the data file(s).

  • I used DBCC SHRINKFILE with EMPYFILE which moved whatever was left in the FileGroup to the PRIMARY and then it allowed me to remove the file group.

    Warm Regards,

    Arthur Lorenzini
    Sioux Falls, SD

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