Error 1645 installing Microsoft SQL Native Client

  • Hi,

    I was trying to install SQL Server 2005 Standard edition on windows 2003 server. It did install .NET framework 2.0 well. After that while installing SQL Native Client the following error occured. Please help me out-

    Error 1645 installing Microsoft SQL Native Client. See log file for more detailed information.

    The windows installer does not permit installation from a remote desktop connection.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • As the error indicates, try installing the software by logging into the server box directly. Note: "NO remote desktop Connection"!

  • Did you have any of the other sql server applications installed on this server. for example sql server express. I have found that if you already have express installed it will not install the native client. I had to rebuild the whole machine or you can go and remove it from the registry.

  • Hi,

    Im not sure whether this helps, try installing native client manually. You can go to Tools folder in the second CD under setup folder you can find a file sqlncli.msi, double click on the file and installing. Once its restart system and then try installing sql server 2005.

    Post the setup summary output.

  • Trying to install the Native Client by running sqlncli.msi returns the same error.

    So it looks there's no choice but to having to login directly to the host, unless someone has other idea.


  • Hi,

    Just copy your installation CD to your local drive such as D:\ from there run setup it will ok.

    What i understand that you loggin from remote server and trying to install that.

    Let me know if you have any further question.

    Good luck

  • Microsoft has already identified this problem. Check out the link below:

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