How not to return duplicate values

  • How can I return values only once even though they are in the database multiple times.

    for example, in one table, I have the following cities under the column METRO:

    baltimore, baltimore, baltimore, philadelphia, philadelphia, chicago, chicago, chicago, chicago....

    I would like to have a command that returns only one instance of each city, but so far it is returning all of them, therefore creating duplicate returns.

    I just need it to return baltimore, chicago, philadelphia in the return or any other city that is in the table multiple times.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks a lot. This site is a great resource.

  • As long as it is the only column in the query meaning no other columns will cause the cities to duplicate you should be able to use the Distinct key word.

    Select Distinct Metro From YourTableName

  • hi,

    If you need to avoid duplicate then it really depends on how many columns do you have in the query. If you have duplicate record with same city then you can avoid by GROUP BY statement. You can even use Distinct.

    If you have primary key as ID in your table then following code will work.


    FROM MyTable




    FROM MyTable

    GROUP BY DuplicatevalueColumn1, DuplicateValueColumn2,


    I hope it helps.


  • Nice input dva2007, the group by clause is also a good way to remove duplicate values. Along with distinct.

  • You weren't terribly clear in the query you are working with, but if the columns you are trying to get a distinct list span multiple tables, you could do something like this:

    select distinct City from


    select distinct City from MyTable1

    union all

    select distinct City from MyTable2

    ) a

  • How about?

    select distinct City from MyTable1


    select distinct City from MyTable2

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