Can I run SSRS and IIS on two different machines/servers?

  • [font="Tahoma"]Hi all

    I searched my heart out and couldn't find any topic related to this. My apologies if this is a repeat. I'd like to confirm my suspicion. Can I possibly run SSRS and IIS on two different machines. For example, we already have an installation of SSRS on "SERVER_1". Both our servers have IIS 6.0 installed, however we want SSRS (installed on "SERVER_1") to use the IIS installed on "SERVER_2". Is this possible without having to obtain 3rd party tools like ISAPI Rewrite? Both servers are running Windows 2003 SP1 with SQL 2005 SP2.


  • You need to install Win2003 SP2 remove IIS 6 and install it again this time click on details and add all the features needed to run Then add the network service account of the server running IIS6 into the Server running SQL Server on the domain level, in SQL Server and in the database used to run stored procs to generate the reports. The reason is double hop so you have to make sure SSRS have access to SQL Server and the database used for the reports. And no you don't need any third party tools just correct permissions.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks, Gift Peddie.

    I'll let you know how it goes. It's just gonna take a while to get this change approved.



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