Is a cursor the best way to bulk insert to multiple tables with foreign key?

  • Hello All,

    I have read many times that cursors are bad and try to avoid using them. However, I have to bulk update some tables with new data on a nightly basis and the only way I can see to do this at the moment is via a cursor and I am looking for other possible methods before I dance with the devil!

    Firstly the schema is not under my control as the load is into purchased a piece of software’s database. ImportPerson is my staging table with a Name and SystemKey fields. The name field needs to be loaded into a table called Person each person then gets and a seeded identity from the Person table, the system key information is added to a SystemKeys table with the identity from the Person table as a foreign key. My initial thinking leads me to some code as outlined below:

    declare person_cur cursor fast_forward for

    select name,systemkey from importperson;

    declare @name varchar(100),

    @id bigint,

    @perrsonid bigint,

    @systemkey varchar(50)

    declare @sql nvarchar(4000),

    @Parm nvarchar(500);

    open person_cur;

    fetch next from person_cur into @name,@systemkey;

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @sql = 'insert into person (name) values (@name);';

    set @sql = @sql + ' select @id=scope_identity();';

    set @parm=N'@name varchar(100),@personid bigint output';

    exec sp_executesql @sql,@parm,@name=@name,@id=@personid OUTPUT;

    insert into SystemKeys(person_id,systemkey) values (@id,@systemkey);

    set @name = null;

    set @id = null;

    set @systemkey = null;

    fetch next from person_cur into @name,@systemkey;


    close person_cur;

    deallocate person_cur;

    Does anyone have an alternative method that would be an improvement on the method above? I have considered bulk insert into person first but I do not have a way to join ImportPerson to Person and retrieve the keys for the second SystemKeys insert as the name field is not unique.

    Many Thanks,


  • This may help, using the Sql Server 2005 OUTPUT clause. This assumes name is unique in importperson

    declare @t table(name varchar(100),person_id bigint)

    insert into person(name)

    output,inserted.person_id into @t(name,person_id)

    select name

    from importperson

    insert into SystemKeys(person_id,systemkey)

    select t.person_id,p.systemkey

    from importperson p

    inner join @t t on


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  • Thanks for the reply Mark. I have had a look at and play with the OUTPUT clause, the problem is that I can't guarantee the name field is unique and I could not find a way to pass the importperson.systemkey to the table populated by the OUTPUT clause. But it is an interesting option that I have not used before.

    Mark (10/6/2008)

    This may help, using the Sql Server 2005 OUTPUT clause. This assumes name is unique in importperson

    declare @t table(name varchar(100),person_id bigint)

    insert into person(name)

    output,inserted.person_id into @t(name,person_id)

    select name

    from importperson

    insert into SystemKeys(person_id,systemkey)

    select t.person_id,p.systemkey

    from importperson p

    inner join @t t on

  • What else do you have to uniquely identifi your importpersons?

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Hi, the only key I have to link to the import without making any assumptions is the systemkey field, the name field is actually split into forename, surname, title. The only other info I have is an addressid this id is loaded into another table that also requires the personid as a foreign key from the person table insert.

    Peso (10/6/2008)

    What else do you have to uniquely identifi your importpersons?

  • I have the similiar issue . Is there a solution for this output clause or some other clause instead of looping through using cursor

  • That is one of the ways you can do it without a cursor:

    declare @iLastPersonId int

    create table #t_person


    person_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),

    name VARCHAR(100),

    systemkey VARCHAR(50)


    begin transaction

    -- the following will get last person_id and lock this table for period of transaction

    select @iLastPersonId = ISNULL(MAX(person_id),0)

    from person with (tablockx)

    if @iLastPersonId > 0 then


    -- "reseed" temp table

    set identity_insert #t_person on

    insert into #t_person (person_id) select @iLastPersonId

    set identity_insert #t_person off

    delete #t_person

    -- next person_id generated in #t_person will be @iLastPersonId + 1


    insert into #t_person (name, systemkey)

    select name, systemkey from importperson

    set identity_insert person on

    insert into person (person_id, name)

    select person_id, name

    from #t_person

    set identity_insert person off

    insert into SystemKeys (person_id, systemkey)

    select person_id, systemkey

    from #t_person

    commit transaction

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