Backup error, need help

  • All,

    I am receiving the following error when I try to backup to tape from SQL using backup under the Management folder in Enterprise manager. Logged in as administrator. Can backup the pubs, Northwind and master databases with no problem.

    Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)

    Write on '\\.\Tape0' failed, status = 1117. See the SQL Server error log for more details, backup database is terminating abnormally.

    In the error log;

    Internal I/O request 0x075CB728: op: write, pBuffer: 0x07d3000, size: 65536, position: 11141120, UMS: internal: 0xC0000185, internalhigh: 0x10000, offset: 0xAA0000, offsethigh: 0x0, m_buf: 0x07d30000, m_len: 65536, m_actualbytes: 65536, m_errcode: 1117, backupfile: \\.\Tape0

    Any thought would be appreciated.



  • Have you looked in the Windows Event Viewer logs (application, security, system) for any other messages? They might shed more 'light' on the error.

    This is what Error 1117 means to Microsoft:

    The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.


  • Nothing further in the windows event logs. The generic error 1117 is all I could find too, but no solution.


    Thanx SqlBil

  • Are you trying to backup all your databases at once (one right after the other)? If so, the connection might be timing out.

    Is this happening every time you try to backup this database? Is it a large database (what size)?

    Is the tape drive on the network? Or on the SQL Server machine?

    Is anything else going on at the same time (maintenance, another backup job)?

    Is it a single tape device or a tape library with multiple drives?

    If it's being run as separate jobs to a single tape device, it could be that one backup job is still running at the time you are trying to start the next one.


  • SQLBill,

    No just that database.

    Yes everytime on this db, it is 8.5GB.

    On the SQL Server machine.



    No other backups running, trying to set it up.




  • Check the the 'write protect tab' on the tape in the protect position?

    What size is the tape? Are you only backing up the user database to this tape? Or have you backed up the system databases to this tape also?

    If there is other information on the tape, are you selecting overwrite or append? If append, could the tape be out of space?

    If there isn't anything on the tape, can you erase/format the tape?

    I have Veritas Backup Exec for my tape drives and for each new tape I need to format it, inventory it (this is Veritas' command that lets Veritas recognize there is a tape in the drive and what kind of tape).


  • Hi,

    I have the same problem with you...

    Did you solve your problem ?

    When I try to backup a database, I get the same error after some time :


    1 percent backed up.

    2 percent backed up.

    3 percent backed up.

    4 percent backed up.

    5 percent backed up.

    6 percent backed up.

    7 percent backed up.

    8 percent backed up.

    9 percent backed up.

    10 percent backed up.

    11 percent backed up.

    12 percent backed up.

    Server: Msg 3202, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

    Write on '\\.\tape1' failed, status = 1117. See the SQL Server error log for more details.

    Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

    BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

  • It sounds like media or hardware issues. Have you tried multiple tapes?

  • Never did solve the tape problem.

    What I did instead was send the whole DB across the WAN to another server, every weekend.

  • On our server, we faced the same problem and the database size was 7+ GB. In order to resolve the issue, I have taken the backup to multiple files... backup process went very well.

    NOTE: ONE WILL FACE THIS KIND OF ISSUE, if you backup the database to another server or a share drive.


  • We have similar problem where we are using stripe backup with a database size of 450GB. Still we are getting this error 1117. Please suggest

    --Anil G

    Lina G
    Database Administrator

  • hi what's type of Software Backup? you use Veritas BE or windows ntBackup?

    do you have traying to backup your DB to local disk server? if yes, do you have a pb?

    Since when you use this tape?

    the msg that you have is relieted to Input/Output error, maybe phisical tape error.

    i recommanded you to do another job backup (not your DB, chosse a backup files) and see if you have the sime error or not.

  • Hi,

    We are also facing the issue while taking the backup o SAN drive.

    The backup is completing fine on Non SAN storage but its failing on SAN by Giving error as I/O Failure Error: 1117.

    When we try to backup it via SQL like 'BACKUP DATABASE....' its throwing the error as Semphore Timed Out.

    Although some other backups are completing fine for same SQL Server on same SAN disk.

    I am not able to figure it out if its and database issue or its hadware issue.

    Could any one please help on this.



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