Special charecter (') in DTS

  • Hi,

    I have VB script task in one the DTS package.

    It transfer the data of column 'Managername' to other table.

    The problem here is that the manager name has special charecter(') in the data like "O'Dwyer Sean" in the data.

    The DTS showing an error message here at the specail charecter (').

    I want the whole string to be transfered to destination table including (') also?

    Is there any way?

    Thank You

  • Could some one help me out please?

    Thank You

  • not sure if this will work (don't have time to test it myself right now). replace single tick (') with two single ticks (''). note: not a double tick ("), but two single ticks ('').

  • Replace "'" with char(39) and pass that, instead.

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