Log Shipping Copy failure

  • we are using SQL server 2000. I have configured log shipping between different servers several times within our network. We have a brand new database server and these are the steps i followed to set up log shipping

    1. Backed up database on primary server

    2. Restored database in read only on secondary server

    3. Configured database maintainance plan.

    4. During log shipping secondary server is in stand by and terminates all users

    5. The network configuration and SQL server agent credentials are same on all servers

    The copy Job says it is successful and during restore it shows this error

    "The log in this backup set begins at LSN , which is too late to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN can be restored."

    But when i go into the shared folder on the secondary server no transaction log files are copied. I tried to manually copy the transaction log and restore even that doesn't work.

    Please help!

  • That error message should provide you with an LSN value. On the primary server, look in the msdb..backupset table, and check the transaction log backups for a backup that has that LSN value as the FirstLSN value. Use the media_set_id value for that record and look in the msdb..backupmediafamily table for the name of the file that needs to be restored next to the secondary database.

    SQL BAK Explorer - read SQL Server backup file details without SQL Server.
    Supports backup files created with SQL Server 2005 up to SQL Server 2017.

  • Now the log shipping only worked the first time. Successful copy and restore only once. I have set up for every 15 minutes. The copy is working fine now but the restore gives the same LSN message after the first successful restore

  • Did you check the backup history tables on the primary server to see if there are any other transaction log backups that were made, in addition to those performed by the log shipping job?

    Perhaps there was another SQL Server Agent job that is periodically backing up the transaction log, independent of the log shipping job.

    SQL BAK Explorer - read SQL Server backup file details without SQL Server.
    Supports backup files created with SQL Server 2005 up to SQL Server 2017.

  • That's what I'd think. You have another process already setup for log backups, and that will interfere with log shipping. If you log ship, you basically need to disable other T-Log backups you have.

  • how do I disable other T Log backups. because when I look at the jobs I dont see and other T Log back ups. We only back up the entire database once a week

  • Are there any maintenance plans set up? If there are, check the maintenance plans to see if they are backing up the transaction log of your primary database.

    You could also check any other SQL Server Agent jobs to see if any of them are backing up the primary database's transaction log.

    SQL BAK Explorer - read SQL Server backup file details without SQL Server.
    Supports backup files created with SQL Server 2005 up to SQL Server 2017.

  • No there are no maintainance plans or jobs set up. We have about 6 databases on primary and secondary server. All the databases does the restore job successfully only the first time and fails the subsequent times. I have set up log shipping on this primary server before with other secondary servers but never had this issue before.

  • Why don't you run something like this on your primary server:

    SELECT a.backup_start_date, a.backup_finish_date, b.physical_device_name

    FROM msdb..backupset a

    INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily b ON a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id

    WHERE a.database_name = !your primary database name!

    AND a.type = 'L'

    ORDER BY a.backup_start_date

    Review the list for any transaction log backups that may have been made outside of your log shipping job.

    SQL BAK Explorer - read SQL Server backup file details without SQL Server.
    Supports backup files created with SQL Server 2005 up to SQL Server 2017.

  • What is your Recovery Model setting for the databases?

    I have had similar problems with log shipping while using a "bulk-Logged" recovery model. My log shipping would fail after any bulk loads (BCP, DTS) on the databases. If my log shipping fails now, I usually look there first. The "Full" recovery model logs the bulk loads and I no longer get the LSN error or transaction log restore failures.

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