Truncate partition, need to disable some indexes, need to keep track of constraints referencing partitioned tables.

  • Hi,

    I've got a database with partitioned tables, which have some indexes not partitioned due to them being unique constraints/PKs and not having the partitioning key among their columns.

    If I need to truncate a partition, I have to disable the not partitioned indexes and later rebuild them.

    I managed to automate the process with the below script, however, after disabling one of the indexes I get a warning that a FK constraint has been disabled:

    Warning: Foreign key 'fk_xyz_d_C541A375' on table 'MYTable' referencing table 'MYTable2' was disabled as a result of disabling the index 'PK_MYTable2'.

    I am wondering if there is an efficient way to keep track of any FKs being disabled so to re-enable them once the partition truncation is finished. Similar to the below script.

    Instead of just re-enabling this particular FK, I want the solution to be scallable and to be able to pick up any FKs which have been disabled as a result of disabling the indexes.

    Any ideas?


    set nocount on

    declare @tbname sysname

    declare @schname sysname

    declare @indexname sysname

    declare @cmd nvarchar(1000)

    declare @indexlist table (schname sysname, tbname sysname, indexname sysname, is_disabled tinyint)

    insert into @indexlist (schname, tbname, indexname, is_disabled)

    select distinct ss.[name], object_name(p.object_id), si.[name], si.is_disabled

    FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats p (nolock)

    join sys.objects so (nolock)

    on p.object_id = so.object_id

    join sys.schemas ss (nolock)

    on so.schema_id = ss.schema_id

    join sys.indexes si

    on object_name(si.object_id) = object_name(p.object_id)

    where partition_number <> 1 and si.data_space_id = 1

    select @indexname = min(indexname) from @indexlist

    select @tbname = tbname from @indexlist where indexname = @indexname

    select @schname = schname from @indexlist where indexname = @indexname

    while @indexname is not null


    select @cmd = 'ALTER INDEX ' + @indexname + ' ON ' + @schname + '.' + @tbname + ' DISABLE'

    select @cmd

    exec sp_executesql @cmd

    --select @tbname, @schname

    select @indexname = min(indexname) from @indexlist where indexname > @indexname

    select @tbname = tbname from @indexlist where indexname = @indexname

    select @schname = schname from @indexlist where indexname = @indexname


    set nocount off

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