system.Data.SqlClient.SqlError:Write on"\\path\db2010.bak"

  • Ok the story goes like this:-

    I have Two SQL ServerS that are running sql2005, This servers have backup maintenance plans scheduled on them.

    Their backups occur on different time intervals, on occurs everyday @ 12AM, and the other everyday @ 3AM.

    Both these servers are sharing the Backup drive that is sitting on a different server.

    They have full access to the shared drive. Backups on the sql server that runs at 12AM are succeeding everyday.

    But the 3AM Backups on the other server are failing. Both these servers are on the same domain.

    However Database growth on the 3AM backup is huge as compared to the 12AM.

    I get the error system.Data.SqlClient.SqlError:Write on"" on the 03AM Backups, the erro continues further to state that i have not enough space for the backup which is not true. Please help.

  • Could the issue potentially be that the two backup processes are overlapping?

    If the backup process first does the backup, then deletes any previous backups once this is complete, and runs past the 3.00 AM starting point of the second backup, the previous full backup for the 12.00 AM job would still be there, meaning you would need enough for both databases backups, and the previous backup for each database as well.

  • the backups are not overlapping, one finishes at 1AM and the other takes forver until it breaks whilst its on 50-60%

  • So just to double check - if the backup job is running the backup, then deleting the previous backup once it's complete, you still have room on the share for the previous backup, plus 2 copies of the second backup (I'm assuming that previous backup(s) are deleted only once the new backup has completed, is that the case?)?

  • No, previus backups get deleted as the 1st step, before new backup step runs.

    There is more than enough space on the drive regardless of old backups existing.

  • Are there any quotas set on the target location?

    Do you have error messages from the SQL Server logs and NT logs relating to this which you could post (having removed sensitive info/details)

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