Is it possible to change default backup destination for all DBs in an instance?

  • On an instance in our production environment we have a default TAPE destination backup which needs to be changed. There are 250+ databases on the instance. Is there a way to change the destination (with a script?) for all databases? Doing this all by hand is a tedious job to say the least.

    EDIT: It seems this is not possible, you will need to change the registry in some way. We have solved it by creating a script doing the backup and run it against the sys.databases tabel.

    Hans Brouwer

  • It is possible if you use Powershell and SMO - where you have access to that default value. You can build a script to loop through each database and update that property.

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  • How about this:

    -- Alter Local Default Backup Directory and check existance / create if needed


    Declare @NewDrive nchar(1)

    Declare @RootDirectory2Add nvarchar(512)

    Declare @NewDirectoryPath nvarchar(512)

    Declare @Override char(1)

    select @NewDrive = N'K'

    , @RootDirectory2Add = ''

    , @NewDirectoryPath = '' -- default blanc ! -- 'J:\MSSQL.2\MSSQL\Backup' -->@Override = Y needed !!

    , @Override = upper('N')

    set nocount on

    declare @CmdShellSettingBefore table (cfgname varchar(128), minimum varchar(128), maximum varchar(128), config_value varchar(128), runvalue varchar(128))

    insert into @CmdShellSettingBefore

    EXEC sys.sp_configure N'xp_cmdshell'

    if exists(select * from @CmdShellSettingBefore where cfgname = 'xp_cmdshell' and runvalue = '0')


    EXEC sys.sp_configure N'xp_cmdshell', N'1'



    -- Default-path opvragen

    declare @DefaultBackupDirectory nvarchar(512)

    exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer',N'BackupDirectory', @DefaultBackupDirectory OUTPUT;

    if @DefaultBackupDirectory like '_:\MSSQL.%'

    or @Override = 'Y'


    if @NewDrive = N'' set @NewDrive = substring(@DefaultBackupDirectory,1,1)

    print N'-- OLD path ' + @DefaultBackupDirectory

    if @Override = 'Y'

    and @NewDirectoryPath != ''


    set @DefaultBackupDirectory = @RootDirectory2Add




    select @DefaultBackupDirectory = @NewDrive + substring(@DefaultBackupDirectory,2,2 )

    + @RootDirectory2Add

    + substring(@DefaultBackupDirectory,charindex(@DefaultBackupDirectory,':') + 3, datalength(@DefaultBackupDirectory))


    select @DefaultBackupDirectory = replace(@DefaultBackupDirectory, '\\','\')

    declare @DOSCmd nvarchar(4000)

    select @DOSCmd = N'if not exist "' + @DefaultBackupDirectory + N'" md "' + @DefaultBackupDirectory + N'"'

    --print @DOSCmd

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @DOSCmd, no_output

    print '-- New Default Backup Directory'

    print @DefaultBackupDirectory

    exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer',N'BackupDirectory', REG_SZ, @DefaultBackupDirectory




    print ' '

    print '-- Standard Default Backup Directory has already been modified, use @Override=Y '

    print @DefaultBackupDirectory

    print '-- Default Backup Directory NOT altered !'


    -- cmdshell terug afzetten indien ze af stond

    if exists(select * from @CmdShellSettingBefore where cfgname = 'xp_cmdshell' and runvalue = '0')


    EXEC sys.sp_configure N'xp_cmdshell', N'0'



    Keep in mind, you'll still need to specify the final destination in the actual backup statements.

    (unless you use sqlserver backup devices, where you need to specify the location with sp_addumpdevice)

    Also keep in mind to grant the needed Windows authority for your service account.


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  • Tnx for answering all.

    Tnx for the script, Alz. I'll try it and probly use it. Any idea how to go about this in a Clustered environment? I'm simple, so I'd think I have to run this on both the active as the passive node, but I'm not sure that will really work.

    Hans Brouwer

  • for your cluster, off course the backup location will be the same (for drives will fail over or UNC drives are the same)

    If I'm correct these registry keys are replicated on the cluster that hosts your sql instance.


    Learn to play, play to learn !

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  • I use the same method as ALZDBA; however, you should be aware that the procedures being used are not supported and are subject to change or deletion without advance notice.

    The Powershell/SMO solution is supported.

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  • Tnx for answering all, I'll keep the warning in mind.

    Hans Brouwer

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