Find the Occurrence of All Columns of All Tables in All StoredProc for a given Database

  • Hi,

    I have the following requirement:

    I need to find the occurrence of the columns in where clause or inner joins of all user defined tables in a database which are used in all stored procedures.

    Something like:

    Tab1 col1 sp1

    Tab1 col1 sp2

    Tab1 col3 sp1

    Tab4 col2 sp3

    col1 of Tab1 is used in 2 sps(sp1 and sp2)

    col3 of Tab1 is used in 1 sp

    col2 of Tab4 is used in 1 sp.

    How do I proceed with this?

    This is basically to propose indexes on columns in the table for the database based upon the occurrences\usage of the column.

  • Some time ago I downloaded the following stored procedure from the scripts section. You can rewrite it to find all the stored procedures that contain specific column names taken from sys.columns catalog view.

  • Sorry I forgot the stored proc in may last post...;-)

    use master


    create proc dbo.Usp_SearchInProc (@s varchar(400),

    @flag char(1))



    Written By : yousef ekhtiari


    Date : 10 January 2006

    Description : Returns the name of stored procedures

    which contain whole or any part of tokens in a string


    @flag='a' means any part of tokens

    @flag='w' whole part of tokens

    exec Usp_SearchInProc @s-2='#tmp_result "yousef ekhtiari" ',@flag='w'

    exec Usp_SearchInProc @s-2='cirmon',@flag='a'


    set nocount on

    create table #Sarg (s varchar(100))


    @pos int,

    @sSQL varchar(8000),

    @dbname as sysname,

    @where as varchar(8000)

    if @flag not in ('w','a')


    raiserror('Invalid use of @flag',16,1)



    set @s-2=ltrim(ltrim(@s))+' '

    while len(@s)>0


    if left(@s,1)='"'


    set @pos=CHARINDEX('"',@s,2)

    insert #Sarg values( ltrim(replace( left(@s,CHARINDEX('"',@s,2) ) ,'"','')))




    set @pos=CHARINDEX(' ',@s,2)

    insert #Sarg values( ltrim(left(@s,CHARINDEX(' ',@s,2))))


    set @s-2=ltrim(stuff(@s,1,@pos ,''))


    declare db cursor

    for SELECT [name]

    FROM [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases]

    where sid0x01

    open db

    fetch next from db into @dbname

    while @@fetch_status=0


    print '----------------'+ @dbname+'-------------'

    set @sSQL='SELECT distinct [name]

    FROM '+@dbname+'.[dbo].[sysobjects] o

    inner join '+@dbname+'.[dbo].[syscomments] c on

    where xtype=''p''

    and name not like ''dt_%'''

    if @flag='a'

    set @sSQL=@sSQL+' and exists(

    select * from #Sarg


    ltrim(rtrim(text)) like ''%''+ltrim(rtrim(s))+''%'')'

    else if @flag='w'


    set @where=''

    select @where=@where+' and patindex( ''%'+replace(ltrim(rtrim(s)),'''','''''' )+'%'', text)>0'

    from #Sarg

    set @sSQL=@sSQL+@where



    fetch next from db into @dbname


    close db

    deallocate db

    drop table #Sarg

  • Thanks for the prompt response :-).

    But I require occurrences of the columns in all tables in all sps for proposing indexes.

    So require to consider the alias names used in the procedure for table names and the columns used in the where clause or joins.Some procedures may have alias name and some may not have.For some columns they would have used the column names alone directly without using the alias.

  • Even when you use aliases for table names, the table name must appear explicitly in the query, so you firstly have to find the table names and afterwards find column names that belong to those tables following the "join" or "where" clause... it is a very complicated problem due to text analysis you have to accomplish, but this way you can achieve at least an initial approach

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