Error 7399 OLE DB provider microsoft.jet......

  • When we do a linked server in SQL 2000 to a MS Access 2000 DB it works fine.  But when we try from a different SQL 2000 server we get using the same account... 

    Error 7399: OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.

    OLE DB Error trace {OLE?DB Provider "microsoft.Jet.OLEDB>4.0'IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005

    Any sugestions as we have been trying everything to get this to work.  Could there be a .dll that is different causing this to fail?



  • Hi Brandon,

    80004005 is one of those "generic" type errors; it really doesn't tell you a lot.  Most of the times that I have gotten this is because someone has the Access DB open in single user mode. 

    Other problems I have seen have been related to security (permissions to the file).

    Hope this helps some,



    Joe Johnson

  • Permissions are fine...  I just don't understand how under one SQL server I can access the Link server and through a different server  I can't.

  • Oh, it's something my network admin and I are going to start working through.  It's a problem with something called "double hop" authentication.  What this means is that your sercurity is passed just fine between you and the sql server.  when you get a linked database involved on another server, that means your security needs to be passed from you, to the server, and from the server to the linked access database.  I'm not sure if this is a default configuration or not, but my network won't currently allow me to delegate security this way.  In my many hours of searching this week / last week, I've come across some articles that may help:

    Good luck in getting this solved.  I'll be posting something as soon as my network admin and I can come up with a resolution that'll make us both happy.

  • Have you checked this Registry key:


     on the failing server!!

    * Noel

  • Try SQL Server authentication.

    Is Access database a secured database?

  • I had similar problems when using Jet, and needed a solution which didn't require a reboot.This work-around worked for me. Try not using Jet but setting up an ODBC data source which connects to the access database. Next run a script similar to the below script. This may solve your problem, note: you will probably need to do this from the server and not on a client.

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver

    @server ='Invoices',

    @srvproduct ='',

    @provider ='MSDASQL.1' ,

    @datasrc ='invoices' -- Insure this is set up as an ODBC System DSN

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