msdb dtsltduser role

  • Hi, for a new applicatin that we have to install, it is needed for its sql login to have the dtsltduser role in msdb (dtsadmin or dtsoperator would work as well). Since the database will reside on a cluster with many other critical databases, of different suppliers, it is necessary to avoid security risks.

    Is it dangerous to have a public user in msdb, in general, and in particular with dtsltduser role?

    At the moment I have created the database with the required permissions on a test server, and I will keep it there until I am sure it is a safe configuration.

    You opinion and experience will be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance, sb

  • As long as the user in msdb doesn't have any other permissions, I don't see any harm in it. The role only allows members to work with packages that are owned by the login and stored in msdb by executing stored procedures.


  • This is what I thought, but I wasn't sure.

    Many thanks, sb

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