Assigning value to scalar variable from select statement

  • How do I set the value of a variable in a function to a scalar value extracted from a table?

    For example, if I wanted to write a function that will get the last ClientFileID in a table and return that value, how would I do it?

    I have written this piece of code and it makes sense to me:

    CREATE function [dbo].[LastClientFileID] ()

    returns int



    declare @LCFID as int

    insert into @LCFID select top 1 CLIENTFILENUMBER from dbo.myTable order by CLIENTFILENUMBER desc

    return @LCFID


    Now, the first problem I get is that the @LCFID variable should be declared, but I obviously done so. I assume that the complaint has more to do with the fact that I did not declare is as a table value, rather than an integer value.

    If I replace the select statement with an integer value I get exactly what I want, but not if I use the code as it stands.

    I have tried different combinations of this, I have searched in books on line and have spent some time trolling sites trying to get the correct syntax - all to no avail.

    please help.

  • DECLARE @LCFId int

    SELECT @LCFId = MAX(ClientFileNumber)

    FROM dbo.myTable


    I hope you are not incrementing the result and writing it as the next FileNumber!

  • Hmm :ermm:

    Yes, I have to increment.

    Please don't jump on my case all at once:w00t:. I have lambasted enough DBAs about using the tools provided, but in this case I have developed an SSIS package that pulls data from a system developed using Clarion's Top Speed database, I then bulk upload the data into my system.

    Once in my system, if I need to add data in I need to continue using the FileNumber created. I have set that column to be unique and I have indexed it. There is a one-to-one relationship between my auto generated primary key column that tracks all of the referential integrity, but I need to support my competitor's solution from a reporting services point of view.

    By Mid Feb I hope that I will have completed all of the components that make the use of the competitor's product redundant I will no longer need this routine.

  • Have you try to read them per row with "CURSOR" ?

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