How to update XML column with data from a subquery

  • I want to update the value of an attribute in an XML column by using the data returned from a subquery. I can't find any examples helping me to solve this. All the examples are using a known value between double brackets. I need to query the new value and fill it in.

    I'm having two tables


    Nr newNr

    1 100

    5 23

    table 2

    Nr XMLData



    I can update the Contract="n" attribute by using

    UPDATE table1

    SET xml.modify('replace value of (/One/@Contract/text())[1] with "100" ') where Nr=1

    But.... I want to update the @Contract with the value of the table2 when joined on the Nr field.

    Help is very appreciated!!

  • You can do an update with inner join. This way you’ll be able to get the value from the lookup table. In your update statement you should use the function sql:column, because without it Xquery will not recognize the column by its name. Bellow is a small demo that does it:

    use tempdb


    --Creating the XML table and inserting some test data

    create table XMLtbl (id int primary key, XMLCol xml)


    insert into XMLtbl (id, XMLCol)

    select 1, ' '

    union all

    select 2, ' '


    --Creating the lookup table and inserting some data

    create table ValTbl (id int primary key, val int not null)


    insert into ValTbl (id, val)

    select 1, 10


    select 2, 20


    --Doing an update with inner join, so I'll be able

    --to reference the column from the lookup table.

    --Since Xquery doesn't work with column's name I have

    --to use the function sql:column. Without it the query will

    --not work

    update XMLtbl

    set XMLCol.modify('replace value of (/root/demo/@contract)[1] with sql:column("val")')

    from XMLtbl inner join ValTbl on =


    select * from XMLtbl


    --Cleanup the mess:-)

    drop table XMLtbl


    drop table ValTbl


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  • Great, this works fine!

    Adi, thank you very much!

  • @adi, you're the man. I was starving to death for this solution and now I am well fed.

    Thank you sir!

    I needed this query so badly to do the bulk updates from the mobile devices and now I am a happy man....

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