Restore .bak file(s) using a Stored Procedure

  • I have been using this stored procedure for eons on SQL Server 2000 to recover my user databases

    It's been so long I don't remember where I got it or I'de give them due credit : )

    My problem is, I don't know how to modify so that it will run in 2005... CAN ANYONE HELP????

    USE [Admin]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_CSS_RestoreDir] Script Date: 08/12/2008 15:10:03 ******/






    -- Procedure Name: sp_CSS_RestoreDir

    -- Purpose: Restore one or many database backups from a single directory. This script reads all

    --database backups that are found in the @restoreFromDir parameter.

    --Any database backup that matches the form %_db_% will be restored to

    --the file locations specified in the RestoreTo... parameter(s). The database

    --will be restored to a database name that is based on the database backup

    --file name. For example Insurance_db_200305212302.BAK will be restored to

    --a database named Insurance. The characters preceeding the '_db_' text determines

    --the name.


    -- Input Parameters: @restoreFromDir - The directory where the database backups are located

    --@restoreToDataDir - The directory where the data files (i.e. MDF) will be restored to

    --@restoreToLogDir - The directory where the log files (i.e. LDF) will be restored to. If

    --this parameter is not provided then the log files are restored to @restoreToDataDir.

    -- @MatchFileList - set to 'Y' to restore to same directory structure contained in the backup,

    -- also allows for secondary data files 'ndf' to to be in a different dir than mdf files

    -- @DBName - restore just this one database - selects the latest bak file


    -- Output Parameters: None


    -- Return Values:



    -- Sample Execution: exec sp_CSS_RestoreDir 'C:\sqldb\sql_backup', 'C:\sqldb\sql_data', 'C:\sqldb\sql_log'


    -- Alternate Execution: exec sp_CSS_RestoreDir 'C:\sqldb\sql_backup', @MatchFileList = 'Y'



    CREATE proc [dbo].[sp_CSS_RestoreDir]

    @restoreFromDir varchar(255),

    @restoreToDataDir varchar(255)= null,

    @restoreToLogDir varchar(255) = null,

    @MatchFileList char(1) = 'N',

    @OneDBName varchar(255) = null


    --If a directory for the Log file is not supplied then use the data directory

    If @restoreToLogDir is null

    set @restoreToLogDir = @restoreToDataDir

    set nocount on

    SET quoted_identifier on

    declare @filename varchar(255),

    @cmd varchar(500),

    @cmd2 varchar(500),

    @DataName varchar (255),

    @LogName varchar (255),

    @LogicalName varchar(255),

    @PhysicalName varchar(255),

    @Type varchar(20),

    @FileGroupName varchar(255),

    @Size varchar(20),

    @MaxSize varchar(20),

    @restoreToDir varchar(255),

    @searchName varchar(255),

    @DBName varchar(255),

    @PhysicalFileName varchar(255)

    create table #dirList (filename varchar(100))

    create table #filelist (LogicalName varchar(255), PhysicalName varchar(255), Type varchar(20), FileGroupName varchar(255), Size varchar(20), MaxSize varchar(20) )

    --Get the list of database backups that are in the restoreFromDir directory

    if @OneDBName is null

    select @cmd = 'dir /b /on "' +@restoreFromDir+ '"'


    select @cmd = 'dir /b /o-d /o-g "' +@restoreFromDir+ '"'

    insert #dirList exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    select * from #dirList where filename like '%_db_%' --order by filename

    if @OneDBName is null

    declare BakFile_csr cursor for

    select * from #dirList where filename like '%_db_%bak' order by filename


    begin -- single db, don't order by filename, take default latest date /o-d parm in dir command above

    select @searchName = @OneDBName + '_db_%bak'

    declare BakFile_csr cursor for

    select top 1 * from #dirList where filename like @searchName


    open BakFile_csr

    fetch BakFile_csr into @filename

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    select @cmd = "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM disk = '" + @restoreFromDir + "\" + @filename + "'"

    insert #filelist exec ( @cmd )

    if @OneDBName is null

    select @dbName = left(@filename,datalength(@filename) - patindex('%_bd_%',reverse(@filename))-3)


    select @dbName = @OneDBName

    select @cmd = "RESTORE DATABASE " + @dbName +

    " FROM DISK = '" + @restoreFromDir + "\" + @filename + "' WITH "

    PRINT ''


    declare DataFileCursor cursor for

    select LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, MaxSize

    from #filelist

    open DataFileCursor

    fetch DataFileCursor into @LogicalName, @PhysicalName, @Type, @FileGroupName, @Size, @MaxSize

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    if @MatchFileList != 'Y'

    begin -- RESTORE with MOVE option

    select @PhysicalFileName = reverse(substring(reverse(rtrim(@PhysicalName)),1,patindex('%\%',reverse(rtrim(@PhysicalName)))-1 ))

    if @Type = 'L'

    select @restoreToDir = @restoreToLogDir


    select @restoreToDir = @restoreToDataDir

    select @cmd = @cmd +

    " MOVE '" + @LogicalName + "' TO '" + @restoreToDir + "\" + @PhysicalFileName + "', "



    begin -- Match the file list, attempt to create any missing directory

    select @restoreToDir = left(@PhysicalName,datalength(@PhysicalName) - patindex('%\%',reverse(@PhysicalName)) )

    select @cmd2 = "if not exist " +@restoreToDir+ " md " +@restoreToDir

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd2


    fetch DataFileCursor into @LogicalName, @PhysicalName, @Type, @FileGroupName, @Size, @MaxSize

    end -- DataFileCursor loop

    close DataFileCursor

    deallocate DataFileCursor

    select @cmd = @cmd + ' REPLACE, STATS = 10'

    --select @cmd 'command'

    EXEC (@CMD)

    truncate table #filelist

    fetch BakFile_csr into @filename

    end -- BakFile_csr loop

    close BakFile_csr

    deallocate BakFile_csr

    drop table #dirList


  • Had to enable CMD SHELL on 2005 and modify the SP to address the fact that 2000 backups with maintenance plans look like this: pubs_db_200801191728.BAK

    where as 2005 backup files look like this: pubs_Backup_200801191728.BAK

    I modified the SP to reflect this:

    USE [Admin]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_CSS_RestoreDir] Script Date: 08/13/2008 05:29:48 ******/





    ALTER proc [dbo].[sp_CSS_RestoreDir]

    @restoreFromDir varchar(255),

    @restoreToDataDir varchar(255)= null,

    @restoreToLogDir varchar(255) = null,

    @MatchFileList char(1) = 'N',

    @OneDBName varchar(255) = null


    --If a directory for the Log file is not supplied then use the data directory

    If @restoreToLogDir is null

    set @restoreToLogDir = @restoreToDataDir

    set nocount on

    SET quoted_identifier on

    declare @filename varchar(255),

    @cmd varchar(500),

    @cmd2 varchar(500),

    @DataName varchar (255),

    @LogName varchar (255),

    @LogicalName varchar(255),

    @PhysicalName varchar(255),

    @Type varchar(20),

    @FileGroupName varchar(255),

    @Size varchar(20),

    @MaxSize varchar(20),

    @restoreToDir varchar(255),

    @searchName varchar(255),

    @DBName varchar(255),

    @PhysicalFileName varchar(255)

    create table #dirList (filename varchar(100))

    create table #filelist (LogicalName varchar(255), PhysicalName varchar(255), Type varchar(20), FileGroupName varchar(255),

    Size varchar(20), MaxSize varchar(20) )

    --Get the list of database backups that are in the restoreFromDir directory

    if @OneDBName is null

    select @cmd = 'dir /b /on "' +@restoreFromDir+ '"'


    select @cmd = 'dir /b /o-d /o-g "' +@restoreFromDir+ '"'

    insert #dirList exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    select * from #dirList where filename like '%_Backup_%' --order by filename

    if @OneDBName is null

    declare BakFile_csr cursor for

    select * from #dirList where filename like '%_Backup_%bak' order by filename


    begin -- single db, don't order by filename, take default latest date /o-d parm in dir command above

    select @searchName = @OneDBName + '_Backup_%bak'

    declare BakFile_csr cursor for

    select top 1 * from #dirList where filename like @searchName


    open BakFile_csr

    fetch BakFile_csr into @filename

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    select @cmd = "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM disk = '" + @restoreFromDir + "\" + @filename + "'"

    insert #filelist exec ( @cmd )

    if @OneDBName is null

    select @dbName = left(@filename,datalength(@filename) - patindex('%_bd_%',reverse(@filename))-3)


    select @dbName = @OneDBName

    select @cmd = "RESTORE DATABASE " + @dbName +

    " FROM DISK = '" + @restoreFromDir + "\" + @filename + "' WITH "

    PRINT ''


    declare DataFileCursor cursor for

    select LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, MaxSize

    from #filelist

    open DataFileCursor

    fetch DataFileCursor into @LogicalName, @PhysicalName, @Type, @FileGroupName, @Size, @MaxSize

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    if @MatchFileList != 'Y'

    begin -- RESTORE with MOVE option

    select @PhysicalFileName =

    reverse(substring(reverse(rtrim(@PhysicalName)),1,patindex('%\%',reverse(rtrim(@PhysicalName)))-1 ))

    if @Type = 'L'

    select @restoreToDir = @restoreToLogDir


    select @restoreToDir = @restoreToDataDir

    select @cmd = @cmd +

    " MOVE '" + @LogicalName + "' TO '" + @restoreToDir + "\" + @PhysicalFileName + "', "



    begin -- Match the file list, attempt to create any missing directory

    select @restoreToDir = left(@PhysicalName,datalength(@PhysicalName) -

    patindex('%\%',reverse(@PhysicalName)) )

    select @cmd2 = "if not exist " +@restoreToDir+ " md " +@restoreToDir

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd2


    fetch DataFileCursor into @LogicalName, @PhysicalName, @Type, @FileGroupName, @Size, @MaxSize

    end -- DataFileCursor loop

    close DataFileCursor

    deallocate DataFileCursor

    select @cmd = @cmd + ' REPLACE, STATS = 10'

    --select @cmd 'command'

    EXEC (@CMD)

    truncate table #filelist

    fetch BakFile_csr into @filename

    end -- BakFile_csr loop

    close BakFile_csr

    deallocate BakFile_csr

    drop table #dirList


    NOW when I execute the Stored Procedure, I am getting an error:

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE FILELIST is terminating abnormally.

    RESTORING DATABASE OFAC_backup_200807230245.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near '.'.

    Msg 319, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

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