odbc sql-state 42000

  • Hi, I have a serious problem since friday.

    My server proliant ML 370 is down.

    I make a scan off the surface of disk (RAID 5) and I copy a backup file to an external scsi disk.

    I try to restore the backup and I have this error

    'odbc sql-state 42000'

    I run a command :


    and I have good result

    But still I can not restore my databse.

    Thanks for your help

    urgent !

  • I have windows 2003 with SQL 2000, I had Windows 2000 and SQL 2000 in my broken server

  • Can you run RESTORE VERIFYONLY on the backup file?? Can you post all the error message you are receiving?? Can you try in GUI??

  • Are you restoring to the same external disk or the internal disk you had issues with?

    Can you restore the file on another machine?

    The error message and exact steps would be helpful.

  • As suggested, try a restore on another box.

    This 42000 error generally means or relates to consistency errors..

    Just Curious: Was this backup file already created or were you trying to backup when your server went down.?

    Also check to see that your paths are valid.



    MOVE '[logical datafile name]' to '[physical location+filename.mdf]',

    MOVE '[logical log File name]' to '[physical location+filename.ldf]'

  • Hi,

    My server is Proliant ML 370 with RAID 5, the RAID HAVE BEEN BROKEN AND THE DISK WHERE NOT Detected, whaht we do, we put a not hot plug scsi disk, I install Windows 2003, I install after software to access the Raid, and then I copy a recent backup file from the Raid 5 (Disk) to the no hot plug disk.

    I install SQL and I try to restore. Then I have the erros, this error have no relation with the physical name file.

    I think that it have relation with MDAC.

    I try on onother machine and othe operating system, the same error.

    Maybe, the file is corrupted and not copied correctly !

    Thanks for your help !

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