SQL Query help

  • hi

    create table cust_product

    (cust varchar(10), prod varchar(10))

    insert into cust_product VALUES ('A','P')

    insert into cust_product VALUES ('A','Q')

    insert into cust_product VALUES ('A','P')

    insert into cust_product VALUES ('B','Q')

    insert into cust_product VALUES ('C','Q')

    insert into cust_product VALUES ('A','P')

    insert into cust_product VALUES ('B','P')

    insert into cust_product VALUES ('C','P')

    I need the output to be

    cust No. of Product (P) No. of Product(Q)

    A 3 1

    B 1 1

    C 1 1

    Can anyone help?

  • select cust,

    count(case when prod='P' then prod end) as 'No. of Product (P)',

    count(case when prod='Q' then prod end) as 'No. of Product (Q)'

    from cust_product

    group by cust

    order by cust


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • thank u so much

  • or

    select cust, sum(case prod when 'P' then 1 else 0 end) as 'No. of Product (P)' , sum(case prod when 'Q' then 1 else 0 end) as 'No. of Product (Q)'

    from cust_product

    group by cust

    order by cust

  • thanks again... 🙂

  • Since you are using SQL Server 2005 you can use a PIVOT.

    declare @cust_product table

    (cust varchar(10), prod varchar(10))

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','P')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','Q')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','P')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('B','Q')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('C','Q')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','P')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('B','P')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('C','P')

    SELECT cust, [P],

    FROM @cust_product

    PIVOT(COUNT(prod) FOR prod IN ([P],

    )) AS ProductPivot

  • How about using PIVOT?:

    DECLARE @cust_product TABLE (cust varchar(10), prod varchar(10))

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','P')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','Q')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','P')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('B','Q')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('C','Q')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','P')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('B','P')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('C','P')


    FROM @cust_product

    PIVOT (COUNT(prod) FOR prod IN ([P],

    )) AS UNPVT



    (aka smunson)


    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

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