Strange SQL Agent Errors

  • During a 1 hr period over the weekend, SQL Agent logged a group of three errors over and over again:


    [298] SQLServer Error: 848, SQL Network Interfaces: The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you. [SQLSTATE HY000]

    followed by:


    [298] SQLServer Error: 848, Cannot generate SSPI context [SQLSTATE HY000]

    and then:


    [382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (SaveAllSchedules)

    I haven't been able to find much information about these online. Anybody have any ideas?

    I'm working with the networking team to determine if there was anything network-wise going on but haven't heard back from them. These problems happened for an hour and then stopped. Everything seems ok now.



  • Networking group confirmed there was some switch maintenance happening during those times.

    Still... some of those messages from SQL are a bit alarming.

  • Those are alarming and you should definitely take action, but I guess it's a strange occurence, perhaps a half transmission of the network conversation and SQL Server isn't sure what's going on.

    Thanks for the update. I'm sure someone else will run into this.

  • For what it's worth I just had the same issue when a network switch went bad. After it was resolved the cluster service was a bit flaky, but after restarting the cluster service (and the network being fixed) the message has gone away.

  • SSPI is related to kerberos authentication, u should check the trafice on ur router or ur firewall for any strange trafice.



  • We also got this same error when our core routers and some switches were down for maintenace. No jobs run, no jobs show failed. What a pain.

    We get the SSPI error when our domain controllers are rebooted - for a couple seconds until the server finds a new one to authenticate against.

    We have alerts set up for severity 17 - 25 errors, but these didn't trigger any of them. These agent alerts didn't have the typical severity number on them though. Must a new 'containing text' alert be set up?

  • We had the same issue dont know what actually happened but all our logins were locked up for about 2mins and came back to normal by itself...... :w00t:

  • Just had the same Issue and error....when running a wherescape red SQL Job.

    Luckily we found that the account SQL services and agent were running under were locked out....Enabled the account and all is good again.

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