Property owner not available?

  • I'm trying to see the properties of a database and I'm getting the following error, even when trying to connect as sa.

    Property Owner is not available for Database '[EPro]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance

  • Not sure. Is this from SSMS when you're selecting the database (right click), properties?

  • we get that error sometimes. In our environment, it's usually caused by deleting the login that owns the database. We then have to change the owner to SA using t-sql and then you can access the properties in the gui. This is acceptable in our environment, just make sure you are aware of how changing the database owner can affect you.

  • Yes, this is in Management Studio. Should have mentioned that.

    The owner being deleted makes sense. I'll have to check to see how we should proceed.


  • even i faced similar problem few weeks back. i am still unable to find why owner field in system catalogues for database was null even though no login was deleted.

    i detached and reattached the database and it worked well. I had the liberty of taking the db offline and do these tasks but it could be entirely different situation for you.

  • In my case, the previous DBA created the database and made himself as the owner, he just left the company..

  • referring to Shourak's problem, i have a question to all db gurus here.

    is it a good policy to make a database with user ownership if though the user is database admin? wouldn't it be a better choice to create a database with builtin\admin login?

    what could be different scenarios we should consider when there is a need to make a db user specific?

  • I'm not a guru, but from what I've been reading, the built in/admin group is a huge security threat. Its on my list of things to fix from the previous DBA.

  • I prefer to create my databases using the SA login. That way we don't run into problems with logins getting deleted. This works well for our environment. We are also a highly regulated company and none of our auditors have had a problem with it yet.

  • To solve the issue, change 'dbo' to match a correct login, using either sp_changedbowner or with the following SQL code:

    ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::[dbname] TO [somevalidlogin]

  • Executing the following line also solved my problem:



  • I executed the same statement and it worked well. Thanks a lot.


  • It works fine. Thanks for solution.

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