the process could not execute 'sp_repldone/sp_replcounter

  • i have transactional replication set up with the publisher and distributor on different servers, sql 2000 sp4.

    when i log into the publisher i see this error message, does anyone know what this means?

    i've searched the web for this, but did not see anything help full.

    thank you in advance.

  • sp_reldone is the command that runs that tells replication that it finished. This normally fails if there is too little diskspace or if a lot is going on in the server.

    It normally re-runs its self, have you still got an error?

  • Hi,

    When I have had this, I usually change the profile of the agent - typically Logreader, and reduce the batch size right down and increase the timeout. This gives the agent time to 'catch up' as I've noticed that this error can be the result of records waiting, in the transaction log, to be read by the log reader.



  • --set unlimited if still having problems - need to do this in the log reader job.

    -Querytimeout 0

    ChrisB MCDBA

    Chris Becker

  • I have had this problem when the replication down and growth log size of published database.

    Si, I've create a new agent profile

    Modify the default values by Query Timeout (3000) and ReadBatchSize (100)

    When the replication succeeded, I've changed again to default values.


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