DTC in an Active/Active cluster

  • I have an active/active setup with 3 groups. Two SQL Groups and one cluster group that also contains the DTC. I am 99% sure that I setup everything correctly and everything appears to be running fine. The issue is that in SQL Mgmt Studio, the instance that is running on the physical node that owns the Cluster group (therefor has the DTC) shows the Distributed Transaction Coordinator as online. The instance running on the other node show it as offline. Is this correct behavior? I am not a SQL Expert, and know enough to get things up and running and maintain them. Thanks in advance!

  • Can you clarify what version of SQL you are running? I know you only mentioned the client was 2k5, but I want to verify that you are looking at a 2k server.



  • SQL 2005 x64 SP2 and Server 2003 Ent x64 SP1

  • It looks like all instances should show DTC as running, based on an x64 SQL 2005 SP2 4 node cluster in an A/A/A/P configuration. Have you tried doing a distributed tran test on the one that says it's offline?



  • I am not sure how to do a DT test. Any advice in that direction would be much appreciated.

  • first off, you would want to create a linked server (like between the 2 nodes). Then from the source machine, do code like the following:

    [font="System"]begin distributed transaction

    select * from DestServer.master.dbo.sysdatabases

    commit distributed transaction


    DestServer is the name of the linked server. If you get any errors, that should indicate whether or not its working properly, since DTC is needed to do this.



  • I created the linked server on virt01 to virt02. I then ran the query connected to virt01, but querying virt02.master.dbo.sysdatabases. The query ran successfully when msdtc was owned by the physical node running virt01 as well as when it was owned by the node not running virt01. It would appear that msdtc is running correctly even though MGMT Studio shows it as offline on instances not running on the same physical node as the msdtc group (this may be by design, who knows?).

  • Kinda weird, but I'm glad it's working for you. If you're running Mgmt Studio from your workstation, maybe try patching the client. If you are already patched, then I'm stumped.



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