problem while connecting to Sql Server 2005 Analysis services

  • Its regarding Sql Server 2005 Analysis services.

    I have made an analysis database in sql server business intelligance development studio and the same was visible in sql server 2005 management studio.

    But then i think i changed some ports, i suppose.

    So i'm no longer able to connect to analysis services through Management studio, though the same i.e. analysis services are running on the server. the error i'm geeting is:

    A connection cannot be made. ensure that server is running

    Additional Information:

    DIME protocol error: the required bytes cannot be read from the stream.

    Actully i have analysis services installed on the default instance, which is expired (actuly installed the default instance and then again deinstalled and then again installed, so its expired), but the named instance is running fine (i'm using the sql server 2005 enterprise evaluation edition).so i created the project by connecting to the named instance.

    Help will be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi Pardeep,

    Are you working with a named instance?

  • Check the Services list to make sure you've got the names correct.

    When connecting to the server, use the following for the server name:

            machine name\instance name

    Good luck.

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