Reporting Services - Print Error

  • Hi, I am having trouble with Print Error - An error occured during printing (0x80004005) when trying to print a report from reporting services 2005 and the printer is not connected to the server where reporting services is loaded.  I checked Microsoft's web site and they only reference reporting services 2000 not 2005.  Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this error problem?

  • I've come across this several times while using IIS 6 on a Windows 2003 server and the way I fixed the problem was to stop and restart IIS. If that fails, reboot the server, but majority of the time, restarting IIS worked. It's some kind of Microsoft phenomenon. Microsoft's technology isn't an exact science........there's a whole lot of voodoo thrown in there.

    Hope this helps!


  • Hi Michael,

    Thank you for the information.  Yes, I tried this many times and it will work for a report or two then the error comes right back.  Hopefully Microsoft will come up with a hot fix for this problem.  Thanks again!


  • Hi,

    I had similar problem and it turned out when i removed some rendering format.

    in ReportServer folder on the server check your rsreportserver.config file and in RENDER you should have:

    Extension Name="IMAGE" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.ImageRenderer.ImageReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.ImageRendering"

    if you do not add this code above and at least it worked for me...

    Best Regards,


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