SQL Server 2005 Replication - Distributor

  • Hi Everyone,

    I am having problems with Development box “MyDatabaseServer” in setting up as Distributor. When I am configuring as Distributor that is giving me an error that



     - Configuring the Distributor (Error)


                * SQL Server could not configure 'MyDatabaseServer' as a Distributor. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)





                An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)




                The server 'MyDatabaseServer' is already defined as a Distributor.

                Changed database context to 'master'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 14099)


                For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.2153&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=14099&LinkId=20476


     -          Enabling Publisher 'MyDatabaseServer' (Stopped)




    So if it were already configured as distributor then I wanted to drop that distributor to make fresh distributor. I executed “Sp_dropdistributor” on Development box then I am getting different error message as given below. If you know any information, that would be really great.


    Msg 5845, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_procoption, Line 105

    Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) requires the 'lock pages in memory' privilege which is not currently present in the access token of the process.




    Bhushan Kalla

  • are you running sql server accounts under localsystem or a domain account - lock pages in memory is usually defined under the security policy (i think) for your user account


  • Nope....

    It's using domain account that has sysadmin rights on the box.




  • Remove all subscriptions for each Publication, then delete each publication prior to running the following steps


    Disable the publication database


    EXEC sp_removedbreplication @ReplicationDB;


    Remove the registration of the local Publisher at the Distributor.


    SELECT @sql = 'sp_dropdistpublisher ''' + @DistPubServer + ''' @no_checks= 1'

    --NOTE:We have to run this on Master database

    SELECT @sp_executesql = quotename('Master') + '..sp_executesql '

    select @sql

    SELECT @sp_executesql

    EXEC @sp_executesql @sql


    Delete the Distribution database


    SELECT @sql = 'sp_dropdistributiondb ''' + @DistributionDB  + ''' '

    --NOTE:We have to run this on Master database

    SELECT @sp_executesql = quotename('Master') + '..sp_executesql '

    EXEC @sp_executesql @sql



    Remove the local server as a Distributor


    SELECT @sql = 'sp_dropdistributor @no_checks= 1'

    --NOTE:We have to run this on Master database

    SELECT @sp_executesql = quotename('Master') + '..sp_executesql '

    EXEC @sp_executesql @sql

  • Remove all subscriptions for each Publication, then delete each publication prior to running the following steps


    Disable the publication database


    EXEC sp_removedbreplication @ReplicationDB;


    Remove the registration of the local Publisher at the Distributor.


    SELECT @sql = 'sp_dropdistpublisher ''' + @DistPubServer + ''' @no_checks= 1'

    --NOTE:We have to run this on Master database

    SELECT @sp_executesql = quotename('Master') + '..sp_executesql '

    select @sql

    SELECT @sp_executesql

    EXEC @sp_executesql @sql


    Delete the Distribution database


    SELECT @sql = 'sp_dropdistributiondb ''' + @DistributionDB  + ''' '

    --NOTE:We have to run this on Master database

    SELECT @sp_executesql = quotename('Master') + '..sp_executesql '

    EXEC @sp_executesql @sql



    Remove the local server as a Distributor


    SELECT @sql = 'sp_dropdistributor @no_checks= 1'

    --NOTE:We have to run this on Master database

    SELECT @sp_executesql = quotename('Master') + '..sp_executesql '

    EXEC @sp_executesql @sql

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