ERROR 5180 - Table corrupted

  • Hello all,

    I'm having this message in one of my DB:

    "Could not open FCB for invalid file ID %d in database '%.*ls'. Table or database may be corrupted."

    Does any one have one idea in what may cause this problem (something related with UPDATE STATISTICS)?!

    I'm executing "DBCC CHECKTABLE ('table_name', REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS )" to try to fix it. This may work ?!

    Thanks in advanced.


  • Take a look at the following KB Article on MS site;en-us;Q276041 which is fixed with SP3 on SQL 7. Tell me if it does not apply to you but this may be your answer.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Thanx for the answer, I'll try with SP3.

  • Well, The ServicePack 6 doesn´t help.

    I think that my problem is one corrupted table, unhappyly is in "sysindexes" table.

    Does any one know that if has one way to rebuild systemtables ?! I try DBCC CHECKTABLE but doesn't work.

    Thanx agains.


  • Sorry which version of SQL are you using? You may need to create a new copy of the database and move all you data over then delete the old (You can rename a DB in 7 and Later that way you can rename the old build the new with the Old Name and get all your data into it before dropping the old).

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Hi there

    I had this error just the other day on my data warehouse (SS7 SP1) when running SQL*Probe over the server (probably not related what so ever though!). I single user'd the database, checkdb, checkalloc etc and all seemed fine. I was getting these errors:

    2002-02-22 09:48:35.03 spid9 Error: 5180, Severity: 22, State: 1

    2002-02-22 09:48:35.03 spid9 Could not open FCB for invalid file ID 42801 in database 'msdb'. Table or database may be corrupted..

    when I ran check db:

    Server: Msg 2535, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Table Corrupt: Page (1:24008) is allocated to object ID 213575799, index ID 1, not to object ID 3145769, index ID 101 found in page header.

    Server: Msg 8909, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Table Corrupt: Object ID 3145769, index ID 101, page ID (1:24008). The PageId in the page header = (64053:-843251711).

    Server: Msg 2535, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Table Corrupt: Page (1:24009) is allocated to object ID 213575799, index ID 1, not to object ID 3145769, index ID 101 found in page header.

    DBCC results for 'msdb'.

    There are 0 rows in 1 pages for object 'UmlStereotype'.

    CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 21 consistency errors in database 'msdb'.

    repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKDB (msdb ).

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    then ran:

    dbcc checkalloc ('msdb', REPAIR_REBUILD)


    dbcc checkdb ('msdb', REPAIR_REBUILD)

    and no alloc errors, rebooted the service and all fine.

    I will take a closer look at this Q doc from MS now.



    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

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