Launch sqlagent.exe

  • Does anyone knows why when I start the SQL Server Agent, it launchs a ms-dos windows with the sqlagent.exe..


    If I close that windows it stops the service too, can I disable that.???




  • That's odd.

    How do you start sql server agent? From services.msc ?

    What sql server version are you using?

    Does the path in services.msc ->services-> SQLSERVERAGENT path to executable is correct?

    Mine is sql 2000:

    c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\binn\sqlagent.exe -i MSSQLSERVER

  • I start the Sql server agent from the sql server sercvice manager, and if I start it from the services.msc it does the same thing, opens an msdos window, I can work ok while I keep that window open, but I dont know why do I have to do that,


    the path in the services.msc is


    and I can't change it, do you  know how can I do that??

    I don't know if keeping the path in ms-dos format(with the "~") causes the problem


    well Im gonna keep trying, and any help is well accepted




  • Try

    You need to check the configuration for the service. Go to

    Services(from Control Panel or Administrative Tools -

    depending on your OS).

    Go to the sqlserveragent service and view the properties for

    the service. Select the LogOn tab and make sure to uncheck

    the "Allow service to interact with desktop" checkbox.

  • Problem solved, thanks to Jo Pattyn for the tip


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