Error in stored procedure sp_expired_subscription_cleanup

  • I got an error in a job from Replication Monitor -> Miscellaneous Agent. The job name is called

    "Expired subscription clean up". I think this is a built-in job and we started to enable a

    schedule for this job 4 days ago, and let it run once every day, but it has been failing all

    the time.

    The T-SQL for this job is: EXEC dbo.sp_expired_subscription_cleanup (run in a user database)

    And the error I got is: Executed as user: CORP\sqlmon Could not find stored procedure ''. [

    SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 2812)  Associated statement is not prepared [SQLSTATE HY007] (Error 0). 

    The step failed.

    sqlmon is the user account used to startup SQL Server Agent Service and MSSQL service.

    I tried to change the owner of the job from CORP\sqlmon to sa, but the error was the same.

    The procedure does exist in the master database. When I tried to run the T-SQL statement from

    Query Analyzer, no matter from master database or a user database, the error was the same.

    There is actually no publication nor subscription in this database, but we need to know why

    this job failed. There is another server with almost the same setting, and we enable a schedule

    for the same job, and there is no problem with that job. How come?

    Thanks a lot,


  • As you've got no publications or subscriptions to worry about I'd be tempted to disable replication and configure it again.

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