ssrs 2010 r2 not needed page break

  • In an ssrs 2008 r2 report, a final page break occurs even though there is not any more data rows to work with. The final page

    break occurs since I am using the disable property on a 'group level' page break. The group logic is

    "=IIF(Fields!items.Value like "*GENERATE_END*",False,true)"

    Thus can you tell me and/or point me to a link that will show me how to hide (or not genrate) a blank page where there

    is no applicable data?

  • This sounds more like the setting of the object has the Page Break at end option check, or that there is white space after your final object on your report (or even both!). Is either of this true?

    The white space is definately a likely cause for it. Make sure that if you do have any at the bottom of your report you remove that first.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Are you saying that after my disable syntax is located after the item that is being looked at, there should be no white space and no literals to look at? Basically there should not be anything in the field that contains the 'GENERATE_END' after the expression that is just listed?

  • Your previous post implied to me that there should be nothing at the end. Are you saying that there is a page break and then you have more data (not part of that dataset)?

    What do you have as your Page Break setting? Before, between, or after groups?It might be easier, if possible, if you could upload your report rdl and I can see from there.



    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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