How do I filter this value

  • The column submittedmetricqnty is a varchar(8) column.

    I get a error when I run the query . Why ? Because one row has a value '4,000.00'

    How can modify the below SQL to only grab numeric values ( THE ISNUMERIC function does not work here )

    Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1

    Error converting data type varchar to numeric.


    CASE WHEN submittedmetricqnty NOT LIKE '%,%' THEN

    CAST ( submittedmetricqnty as DECIMAL(38,0 ) )*(1.0)




    from mhpdw2.transferdb.rx.rx4dclaims

  • Are you sure that's the value that's actually throwing the error?

  • ZZartin: Found the error. There was a value '4,000.00'

    I managed to take care of that by doing a CAST( (CAST ( COL as MONEY )) as DECIMAL(38,0) )

    That works! I am all set!

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