Rearrange Display 3 id per row(6 rows 3 columns to 2 rows 9 columns)

  • I currently have a simple select query

    Select ID,Column1,column2

    from Weekdaystst

    Output :

    ID Column1 Column2

    OM One Monday

    TT Two Tuesday

    TW Three Wednesday

    FT Four Thursday

    FF Five Friday

    SS Six Saturday

    I would like the desired ouput to be that each row takes 3 unique ID columns before creating a second row

    Desired output

    IDColumn1Column2Column3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8

    OMOne MondayTT Two TuesdayTT ThreeWednesday

    FTFour ThursdayFF Five FridaySS Six Saturday

    These are the statements to recreate the table

    Create Table Weekdaystst(

    ID nvarchar(3) Unique,

    Column1 varchar(50),

    Column2 varchar(50)


    Insert INTO Weekdaystst Values('OM', 'One,','Monday'),

    ('TT' ,'Two','Tuesday'),

    ('TW', 'Three','Wednesday'),

    ('FT' ,'Four','Thursday'),

    ('FF', 'Five','Friday'),

    ('SS', 'Six','Saturday')

  • There's no way to order the data as it is, so there's no way to ensure a consistent ordered result without hard coding values.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Hi Luis

    The ordering is not important and if it be I will set in in an ORDER BY clause.For now though I am interested in how i could get it to display that way in no particular order

  • Here's an option. It seems a bit odd this requirement. The ORDER BY in the ROW_NUMBER function should probably be changed.


    MAX( CASE WHEN rn % 3 = 0 THEN ID END) AS ID

    ,MAX( CASE WHEN rn % 3 = 0 THEN Column1 END) AS Column1

    ,MAX( CASE WHEN rn % 3 = 0 THEN Column2 END) AS Column2

    ,MAX( CASE WHEN rn % 3 = 1 THEN ID END) AS Column3

    ,MAX( CASE WHEN rn % 3 = 1 THEN Column1 END) AS Column4

    ,MAX( CASE WHEN rn % 3 = 1 THEN Column2 END) AS Column5

    ,MAX( CASE WHEN rn % 3 = 2 THEN ID END) AS Column6

    ,MAX( CASE WHEN rn % 3 = 2 THEN Column1 END) AS Column7

    ,MAX( CASE WHEN rn % 3 = 2 THEN Column2 END) AS Column8



    FROM Weekdaystst)x

    GROUP BY rn / 3;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • With NTILE you are able to split the selection in groups of three. With a CASE statement on this NTILE column you can move the specific rows to columns. The only thing left is to combine alle the results into less rows by removing the NULL values. I currently don't have time to continue qith this . Maybe someone else can pick it up where I left...

    if object_id('tempdb..#Weekdaystst') IS NOT NULL

    DROP table #Weekdaystst

    Create Table #Weekdaystst(

    ID nvarchar(3) Unique,

    Column1 varchar(50),

    Column2 varchar(50)


    Insert INTO #Weekdaystst Values('OM', 'One,','Monday'),

    ('TT' ,'Two','Tuesday'),

    ('TW', 'Three','Wednesday'),

    ('FT' ,'Four','Thursday'),

    ('FF', 'Five','Friday'),

    ('SS', 'Six','Saturday'),

    ('SU', 'Seven','Sunday')

    ;with cte_tile as

    (select ntile(3) OVER (ORDER BY ID) as tile

    , ID

    , Column1

    , Column2

    from #Weekdaystst)

    select case when tile = 1 then ID else NULL end as 'ID'

    , case when tile = 1 then Column1 else NULL end as 'Column1'

    , case when tile = 1 then Column2 else NULL end as 'Column2'

    , case when tile = 2 then ID else NULL end as 'Column3'

    , case when tile = 2 then Column1 else NULL end as 'Column4'

    , case when tile = 2 then Column2 else NULL end as 'Column5'

    , case when tile = 3 then ID else NULL end as 'Column6'

    , case when tile = 3 then Column1 else NULL end as 'Column7'

    , case when tile = 3 then Column2 else NULL end as 'Column8'

    from cte_tile

    if object_id('tempdb..#Weekdaystst') IS NOT NULL

    DROP table #Weekdaystst

    Btw.: I have added an additional seventh row to the sample data. I don't know if your actual data always can be grouped in three rows.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **

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