Sql query to find max value within 60 seconds ....

  • Hi,

    Suppose i have a table like below (with different ids) ... here for example took '99' ...

    idhist_timestamp DP mints Secnds value

    992016-08-01 00:09:401940193.214

    992016-08-01 00:10:2011020198.573

    992016-08-01 00:12:001120194.432

    992016-08-01 00:52:1015210430.455

    992016-08-01 00:55:5015550400.739

    992016-08-01 01:25:1022510193.214

    992016-08-01 01:25:5022550193.032

    992016-08-01 01:34:3023430403.113

    992016-08-01 01:37:1023710417.18

    992016-08-01 01:38:1023810400.495

    992016-08-01 03:57:004570190.413

    992016-08-01 03:58:4045840191.936

    Here i have a value column, starting from the first record i need to find max value within next 60 seconds which will result in below. In the group of those 60 seconds, i need to select one record with max value.

    idhist_timestamp DP mints Secnds value

    992016-08-01 00:10:2011020198.573

    992016-08-01 00:12:001120194.432

    992016-08-01 00:52:1015210430.455

    992016-08-01 00:55:5015550400.739

    992016-08-01 01:25:1022510193.214

    992016-08-01 01:34:3023430403.113

    992016-08-01 01:37:1023710417.18

    992016-08-01 03:57:004570190.413

    992016-08-01 03:58:4045840191.936

    Can you please help me please with sql query.

    Thanks !!!

  • Please supply DDL and Insert statements when giving data. A copy and paste of data like that is awful to look at, and almost unreadable. To my eyes, it looks like a mess of numbers, and I can barely tell what's going on.

    Have a look at the link in my signature, and provide your data in that format. It'll make it a lot easier for other users to answer, and your question will be answered that much quicker.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A (10/19/2016)

    Please supply DDL and Insert statements when giving data. A copy and paste of data like that is awful to look at, and almost unreadable. To my eyes, it looks like a mess of numbers, and I can barely tell what's going on.

    Have a look at the link in my signature, and provide your data in that format. It'll make it a lot easier for other users to answer, and your question will be answered that much quicker.

    +1, I can't understand what you are trying to do either.

    As well as providing DDL and INSERT statements, please tell us what results you would like to see, based on the sample data provided.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • I really dont follow your question....can you please expand and explain.

    and to help all of us help you....here's how to post sample data

    CREATE TABLE #yourtable(

    id INT

    ,hist_timestamp DATETIME

    ,DP INT

    ,mints INT

    ,secnds INT

    ,value NUMERIC(7,3)


    INSERT INTO #yourtable(id,hist_timestamp,DP,mints,secnds,value) VALUES

    (99,'2016/08/01 00:09:40',1,9,40,193.214)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 00:10:20',1,10,20,198.573)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 00:12:00',1,12,0,194.432)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 00:52:10',1,52,10,430.455)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 00:55:50',1,55,50,400.739)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 01:25:10',2,25,10,193.214)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 01:25:50',2,25,50,193.032)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 01:34:30',2,34,30,403.113)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 01:37:10',2,37,10,417.18)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 01:38:10',2,38,10,400.495)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 03:57:00',4,57,0,190.413)

    ,(99,'2016/08/01 03:58:40',4,58,40,191.936);

    SELECT id,






    FROM #yourtable;

    DROP TABLE #yourtable

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • I've attempted something that is based on your explanation, using J's DDL (many thanks), however, it doesn't return the same result set you have, if I'm reading it correct.

    For starters, I have a value for 00:09:40, but that isn't in your table. I think 01:25:50 is also missing in yours, but it's in mine. Am I missing something?

    SELECT id,







    FROM #yourtable yt

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT MAX(ca.value) AS MaxValue

    FROM #yourtable ca

    WHERE ca.hist_timestamp BETWEEN yt.hist_timestamp AND DATEADD(SECOND, 60, yt.hist_timestamp)) mv;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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