Document Map shows record from bottom

  • Hi All,

    I have created a sample report from adventureworksDW2012 database.

    I created a document map for my labels it worked fine, but the first record alone coming twice and when clicking on document map record it leads me to bottom of the record and not at the top of that record.

    My code

    SELECT ProductKey, EnglishProductName, EnglishProductcategoryName

    FROM DimProduct

    INNER JOIN DimProductSubcategory

    ON DimProduct.ProductSubcategoryKey = DimProductSubcategory.ProductSubcategoryKey

    INNER JOIN DimProductcategory

    ON DimProductSubcategory.ProductCategoryKey=DimProductcategory.ProductCategoryKey

    ORDER BY DimProductcategory.EnglishProductcategoryName

    based on EnglishProductcategoryName i created the document map it has







    1.It has Accessories twice (see attachment)

    2.when i click on bike it leads me to bike but to the bottom record not to the top record,this happens only in IE ,in visual studio it is coming correctly at the top of the record see attachment. IE11 is used VS2012 and DB SQL 2012. In Chrome it is not showing any records see attachment.

    How to resolve these issues.

  • Hi All,

    Please let me know if someone have faced this type problem and resolved it.

    For chrome i got the below link but it did not worked for me.

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