MDX Grand Total Issue

  • Folks, I am back with the classic grand total issue that we face in MDX. I thought I clearly had my head around the fix but this thing keeps stumping me every now and then. So here is the problem -

    I want to calculate a calculated measure at a specific granularity of the 2 dimensions - 'Fiscal year' & 'Currency conversion'. I scope my calculated measure - [Amount] along with the 2 dimensions and do the necessary calculation. Here is the snippet -



    [Currency Conversion].[Currency Conversion].[Currency Conversion].MEMBERS,

    [Date].[Fiscal Year].[Fiscal Year].MEMBERS


    THIS =

    IIF(([Date].[Fiscal Year].Currentmember, [Measures].[Budget Rates]) = NULL,[Measures].[Amount FX]


    ([Date].[Fiscal Year].Currentmember, [Measures].[Budget Rates]) * SUM([Measures].[Amount FX])



    I get the granular level data correct with this but grand totals are off. Can anyone help?


  • Disclaimer: I'm answering this purely from "muscle memory", and haven't tested or verified it...but I think it's worth a try.

    I think the problem here is your dimensional reference, which steps down to the lowest level. I'd replace

    Currency Conversion].[Currency Conversion].[Currency Conversion].MEMBERS


    Currency Conversion].[Currency Conversion].MEMBERS

    to include the "ALL" member of the dimension as well. You may need to add an aggregate here to make that work.

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