Upgrade to 2014 - question about a Standby/Read-Only database

  • I have a SQL2008R2 server where we log ship a hosted application to. So we can get to the data. The database sits in Standby/Read-Only mode. The vendor wants to upgrade the hosted database to SQL 2012 and so we have to also.

    Can I do an in-place upgrade with a Read-Only database? How can the database get upgraded? Won't I have to remove the Read-Only database prior to attempting an in-place upgrade?

    And then the vendor have to send me a new FULL and we restart the Log Shipping?

    I'm really trying to get this done without requesting a new server.

  • Sorry - topic should be Upgrade to 2012.

  • Right, thinking you would perform these steps: 1) Break (remove) log shipping 2) Perform an upgrade to the Primary instance which will upgrade the database 3) Perform the same upgrade to the secondary server (instance) 4) Re-initialize Log Shipping after both the Primary and Secondary have been upgraded. Keeping in mind, during the upgrade, you will be exposed with no DR until Log Shipping is set up again.

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