MERGE issues with OUTPUT into table with IDENTITY column

  • Hi all,

    (using SQL 2008 Standard, , database compatibility set to SQL 2005).

    I am getting this error for the MERGE statement below:

    [font="Courier New"]Msg 544, Level 16, State 1, Line 43

    Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'LocDisplay' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.[/font]

    However I am confused as to why the target table seem to be cause the problem according the error message.

    The target table does have an identity column ([font="Courier New"]LocId[/font]) and I do intend for it to generate the keys.

    The output table is a copy of the target table and hence also has the identity key, BUT i did set identity insert for the target table to ON.

    I also did not specify an explicit value for the [font="Courier New"]LogId [/font]in the insert statement, so what gives?

    I appreciate any help.


    select top 0 action=Cast(null as nvarchar(20)), * into LocDisplay_merge_output_20160902 from LocDisplay;

    set identity_insert LocDisplay_merge_output_20160902 on;

    merge into LocDisplay as T

    using (

    select LocCode, PlaneCode, LocName, SomeCode

    from [Loc] as S

    cross apply (select distinct SomeCode from LocDisplay as SD where

    SD.PlaneCode = S.PlaneCode and

    SD.LocCode = S.LocCode) as SD) as S on

    S.SomeCode = T.SomeCode and

    S.LocCode = T.LocCode and

    S.PlaneCode = T.PlaneCode

    when matched and NullIf(S.LocName, T.LocName) is not null then

    update set LocName = S.LocName

    when not matched then



    output $action

    ,IsNull(deleted.LocId, inserted.LocId)

    ,IsNull(deleted.LocCode, inserted.LocCode)

    ,IsNull(deleted.PlaneCode, inserted.PlaneCode)

    ,IsNull(deleted.SomeCode, inserted.SomeCode)

    into LocDisplay_merge_output_20160902(action, LocId, LocCode, PlaneCode, SomeCode);

  • I even tried this one but I get the same error.

    select distinct SomeCode, PlaneCode into #t from LocDisplay

    set identity_insert LocDisplay_merge_output_20160902 on;

    insert into LocDisplay(LocCode, LocName, SomeCode, PlaneCode)

    output 'INSERT', inserted.LocId, inserted.LocCode, inserted.LocName, inserted.SomeCode, inserted.PlaneCode

    into LocDisplay_merge_output_20160902(action, LocId, LocCode, LocName, SomeCode, PlaneCode)

    select LocCode, LocName, SomeCode, PlaneCode from (

    select LocCode, SomeCode, LocName, PlaneCode

    from [Loc] as S

    cross apply (select PlaneCode from #T as SD where

    SD.SomeCode = S.SomeCode) as SD) as S where not Exists(select top 1 null from LocDisplay as T where

    S.PlaneCode = T.PlaneCode and

    S.LocCode = T.LocCode and

    S.SomeCode = T.SomeCode)

  • So far, the solution for my particular problem is to simply convert the identity column in the OUTPUT table to a non-identity one.

    It's a pain if I have to do it for multiple tables for which some of them have many columns, but it seems to work.

    I would still like to know if someone could point out what is wrong with my original MERGE statement as it seems to look 'correct'.

    Thank you in advance..

  • The error you posted doesn't complain about writing to your output table of LocDisplay_merge_output_20160902, rather inserting into your main table LocDisplay.

    Can you confirm the error message is correct?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Thanks for the reply, Nick.

    That IS the message I am getting with the above statement, and that's just the thing, it's complaining about the target table (INSERT) LocDisplay and not the output table LocDisplay_merge_output_20160902, it confuses me.

    So why is it complaining about the LocDisplay when

    1. identity_insert in set for LocDisplay_merge_output_20160902 on (and there can only be one table in a session that can have identity_insert on at any time), so identity_insert for LocDisplay SHOULD BE implicitly OFF.

    2. I am not explicitly inserting to the identity column LocID in LocDisplay.

  • You are merging into the LocDisplay table and that's where the error originates


    merge into LocDisplay as T

    using (

    select LocCode, PlaneCode, LocName, SomeCode

    from [Loc] as S

    cross apply (select distinct SomeCode from LocDisplay as SD where

    SD.PlaneCode = S.PlaneCode and

    SD.LocCode = S.LocCode) as SD) as S on

    S.SomeCode = T.SomeCode and

    S.LocCode = T.LocCode and

    S.PlaneCode = T.PlaneCode

    when matched and NullIf(S.LocName, T.LocName) is not null then

    update set LocName = S.LocName

    when not matched then



  • OK, so i went back to try setting identity_insert on LocDisplay instead of the output table. I was worried that the merge would fail in the INSERT section... but it did not!?

    Instead the MERGE worked fine?!?. By setting identity_insert LocDisplay on (instead of the output table LocDisplay_merge_output_20160902):

    1. The WHEN MATCHED-UPDATE section worked (never had a problem there)

    2. The WHEN NOT MATCHED-INSERT section worked, even though I did not explicitly specify values for the identity column LocId, and with IDENTITY_INSERT on to boot

    3. The OUTPUT section worked, with explicit values specified for the IDENTITY column LocId even though IDENTITY_INSERT LocDisplay_merge_output_20160902 wasn't set (to ON)

    So I guess the error message is correct, just that #2 and #3 does not immediately make sense to me but it worked.

    Can anyone comment on that? It's sort of not intuitive but there must be some logic to it.

  • Your output table won't have an identity column, so you shouldn't need to set it for that.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • actually it does. If you "select * into <copy> from <source>", which is basically what I did to create the output table, you'll find that the same columns that are IDENTITYs in <source> will be IDENTITYs in <copy>.

    This whole mess is just odd behavior on SQL's part i guess 🙂

    try this:

    create table t1 (id int identity(1,1), meh int);

    select * into t2 from t1;

    then check the data types ins t2.

  • Frankly,IMHO, that should be a bug. That shouldn't be copied over.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • edited. double post.

  • I'd would add though that the original issue I encountered should be a bug.

    Thanks to all those who responded to this topic. 😎

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