Backup Up Encryption Key File - How to verify password is working?

  • We are running SQL Server 2012 EE SP3. I walked through the configuration of SSRS. At the 'Backup Encryption Key' Screen, I clicked the ellipsis (3 dots box) and entered the file location (including file name) and returned to the 'Backup Encryption Key' Screen. At this point, I was on the 'Backup Encryption Key' Screen and I changed the file name. Once completed with the SSRS Configuration, I went to look for the 'Backup Encryption Key' file and found that it was given the original name. So, now I am concerned about the password that is used to lock and unlock this Encryption Key file.

    Is there a way to verify that the password works without restoring the 'Backup Encryption Key' file?

    Is there a way to recreate the 'Backup Encryption Key' file without having to reconfigure the entire SSRS setup?

    Do you think the key file and password are okay?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi,

    You can backup the encryption key again through the Reporting Services Configuration Manager. You don't need to go through any of the other configuration steps.

    Or you can use the rskeymgmt.exe command line utility.

    e.g. c:\rskeymgmt -e -p <password> -f rskey.snk

    I don't really know how to verify it, other then trying to restore it to the instance, it shouldn't overwrite anything though if the password is wrong.

    Easiest to just back it up again and be sure you get your password right.

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